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Q: What did the British colonial authorities think they would gain by arresting Adams?
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What colonial actions led to the battle of lexington?

The colonial army was gathering arms and gunpowder. The British also wanted to arrest Samuel Adams.

Who passed a tax on a colonial newspapers?

Samuel Adams By Emily M

Which two men were most wanted by the British royal authorities during the Battles of Lexington and Concord?

Samuel Adams and john hancock.

Was samule Adams a patriot or loyalist?

Adams was a propagandist against British policy throughout revolutionary period. Along with John Hancock, Adams formed the Sons of Liberty. He also took the lead in forming colonial Committees of Correspondence to foster inter-colonial communication. By the spring of 1775, Adams joined Hancock in hiding in Lexington, Massachusetts, where Paul Revere found both men on the night of April 18 to tell them and the townspeople that the British troops were coming the next day to seize colonial gunpowder stores

What two women helped organize colonial resistance to british taxes through their writings?

Mercy Otis Warren and Abigail Adams

What are Samuel Adams facts?

Samuel Adams was a colonial leader who led a 1767 boycott of British goods. He led the Boston tea party.Samuel Adams and other colonist dumped 342 tea chest into the pearl harbor. Also he was John Adams cousin.samuel adams was born in boston

What are facts about Samuel?

Samuel Adams was a colonial leader who led a 1767 boycott of British goods. He led the Boston tea party.Samuel Adams and other colonist dumped 342 tea chest into the pearl harbor. Also he was John Adams cousin.samuel adams was born in boston

What did Samuel Adams play in colonial protests?

Samuel Adams was actually one of the biggest organizers of colonial protests because he so hated the oppression of the British. He encouraged protesting and kept things stirred up by publishing hundreds of articles in newspapers. There were times when he used as many as 17 different names to publish multiple anti-British articles in a single newspaper.

What role did Samuel Adams play in colonial protests?

Samuel Adams was actually one of the biggest organizers of colonial protests because he so hated the oppression of the British. He encouraged protesting and kept things stirred up by publishing hundreds of articles in newspapers. There were times when he used as many as 17 different names to publish multiple anti-British articles in a single newspaper.

What role did Samuel Adams play in colonial protests against the British?

worked Behind the Scenes to organize protest

What was John Adams fighting for in the Massacre in Boston?

John Adams was on the British's side. he was the British's lawyer.

How did some colonial leader protest townshend act?

Colonists in Boston decided to protest the townshend acts. They called for a boycott of British goods. Samuel Adams led the boycott.