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Q: What did the Celts believe happend on the last day of october each year?
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Were the Celts buried?

Yes, the Celts practiced various burial customs, including burying their dead in simple pits or elaborate tombs. Some Celts were also cremated, with their ashes placed in urns or buried in graves. Each Celtic community had its own burial traditions and practices.

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Back in the days when the Celts and Gauls were running the British Isles and a lot of Europe, the Celts celebrated Samhain (pronounced SOW-in, believe it or not). This means "Summer's End," and it was on November 1. The Celts believed that on the night before Samhain, the veil between our world and the underworld, netherworld, world of the dead, faerie, all of these sort of twilight realms, became very thin, and that it was possible for the denizens of each to cross over into the other. Afraid of who or what they might encounter from these other worlds, the Celts wore masks to frighten away these "boogens".

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What gemstones did the Celts use most?

The Celts used a variety of gemstones in their jewelry, with some of the most popular ones being amber, jet, and quartz. They also valued minerals like garnet, amethyst, and gold for their adornments. Each stone often held symbolic meaning and significance for the Celts.

What did the ancient Celts do for Entertainment?

They played games, played sports, farmed, made art and told stories to each other.

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Earthquakes happend

Which is older Greek mythology or the Celts?

The Celts and the Greeks are both derived from the Indo-European peoples. I'm sure some of the basic stories that are related in each mythology come from their relative past, but the developed, Greek Mythology came first.

What day and month is United Nations day?

It is the 24th of October each year.It is the 24th of October each year.It is the 24th of October each year.It is the 24th of October each year.It is the 24th of October each year.It is the 24th of October each year.It is the 24th of October each year.It is the 24th of October each year.It is the 24th of October each year.It is the 24th of October each year.It is the 24th of October each year.

What century did Halloween begin?

About 2,000 years ago in what we now know as Ireland and Scotland, lived a group of people called the Celts. The Celts' lives revolved around growing their food, and considered the end of the year to be the end of the harvest season. So, they celebrated new year's eve each year on October 31st with a festival called "Samhain," named after their Lord of the Dead (also known as the Lord of Darkness). Samhain (pronounced 'sow-in') was presided over by Celtic priests called Druids.Back then, winter was the time of year associated with human death. The Celts believed that on the night that marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead blurred allowing ghosts of the dead to return to earth. Celts thought that the presence of the ghosts made it easier for the Druids, their priests, to predict the future. These predictions were an important source of comfort and direction for the Celts during their long, dark, frightening winters.To celebrate Samhain, the Druids built huge sacred bonfires around which the Celts gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to their ancient gods. During the celebration, the Celts dressed up in costumes consisting of animal heads and skins and tried to tell each other's fortunes.

How were the Celts governed?

The Celts were governed in tribes. Britain was divided into several kingdoms each with ruling kings or Queens. There were smaller villages or hamlets where there were chieftains (usually the elder members of the community). They were ruled fairly and with strict morals. The myth they were barbaric is quite untrue.

Is Halloween in October?

Yes it is. It is on the 31st of October each year.