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In 1815 the Congress of Vienna had restored Austrian Domination over the Italian Peninsula and left Italy completely fragmented, dividing the country amongst different European Countries as well as victors of the Napoleonic Wars.

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Q: What did the Congress of Vienna do to Italy?
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What congress divided Germany and Italy during World War 1?

It was the congress of Vienna It was the congress of Vienna

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Who controlled the northern provinces of Italy after the congress of Vienna?

Hapsburg Empire

Which congress had led to Germany and Italy being divided?

Italy and Germany had basically always been divided since Charlemagne died, not counting loose groupings like the Holy Roman Empire; however, presumably you are asking about the Congress of Vienna in 1815. During his wars, Napoleon had tried to unify Germany and Italy as countries allied with him; after he was defeated for good, the countries who had defeated him, as well as France, met in Vienna and reaffirmed that Germany and Italy would remain divided, among other things.

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What happened to the land in Europe after the Congress of Vienna?

The Congress of Vienna restored all the States which existed in Italy before the French revolution, with exception of the Republic of Venice, whose territories in Italy, Istria and Dalmatia were given to Austria, that became again the dominant power over the Italian Peninsula.

What has the author Katherine Ward written?

Katherine Ward has written: 'Congress of Vienna' 'Unification of Italy'

What did Italy gain or lose during congress of Vienna?

At the time of Congress of Vienna Italy didn't exist as a nation. Austrian Prime Minister Metternich said that Italy was only "a Geographical Expression". After the fall of Napoleonic Empire the Congress of Vienna cancelled all the half-independent states created by Napoleon in Italy, which had at least a semblance of liberal rules of government, and restored the old absolute regimes. Worse still, the Congress didn't restore the Republic of Venice, whose territories became part of Austrian Empire, giving to that nation the predominance in Italy and upon the north Adriatic coastal range. So, we can say that the Congress of Vienna represented for Italy a regress of some 20 years and an indubitable loss of what little was achieved during the Napoleonic Era.

What did Italian nationalists try to do in response to the congress of Vienna?

The nationalists tried to expell Austrian forces from Northern Italy

How was the congress of Vienna conservative?

The Congress of Vienna was conservative so they wanted monarchy back

What famous meeting restructured Europe after Napoleon's defeat?

Congress of Vienna

What was a serious error made at the Congress of Vienna?

The key aim was to restore monarchic legitimacy. It is sometimes said that the Congress of Vienna 'ignored' the 'national aspirations' of the peoples of Germany and Italy (and arguably, of other countries, too). However, these were only just beginning to be articulated.