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Q: What did the First Nations wanted to have?
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What was the interaction between first nations and the french?

The French wanted the first nations to give them animal fur for metal good such as, pots and knifes. So in other word the french was using First nations for furs.

What are some of values and beliefs of first nations?

The first nations believed in equality and treated everything and everyone like they wanted to be treated. They respected everything, whether it was living or non living

What did the first nations people want from the europeans?

Trade. With the Vikings they wanted metal and status objects. Later and further south they wanted metal and firearms. Then they wanted them to go away.

Why were the first nations excluded from Canaidian confederation?

In Canada, the fathers of Confederation did not think of First Nations as citizens of the new country. After Confederation, a special government department was created to decide how the First Nations people should live. Many First Nations were forced to live on reserves. These people were not allowed to vote. If they wanted to vote, they had to leave their reserves & begin living like the Colonists did. This meant they had to farm or move to a city.

Did the United Nations actually become what they wanted?

Though others may have different opinions, I believe the United Nations has become what it wanted to and is fullfilling the purpose for which it was created.

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What happened after many nations wanted to promote global cooperation after seeing the devastation of war?

Many nations wanted to promote global cooperation after seeing the devastation of war

How were the first nations peoples involved in the struggle between the british and the Americans?

Native Americans fought for both sides, turning the tide in many of the battles. Eventually, their guerrilla warfare techniques would be the clincher for the colonists in the American Revolution.

Who handled relations with other nations when Washington was in office?

they did what they wanted when ever they wanted from tyler dillon

Did the first nations people give what samual de Champlain wanted?

No, the First Nations people did not always give Samuel de Champlain what he wanted. Champlain faced resistance from and conflict with Indigenous peoples in North America as he explored and established French settlements. While Champlain did establish alliances with some Indigenous groups, there were also instances of confrontation and disagreement.

Why did residential school start?

Well it's, kind of because the government didn't want the " first nations" people to be in with like lets say " white" people, or what ever and wanted them to be in an all " first nations" school so they could learn how to be " white". And it wasn't right.

Why did the residential schools start?

Well it's, kind of because the government didn't want the " first nations" people to be in with like lets say " white" people, or what ever and wanted them to be in an all " first nations" school so they could learn how to be " white". And it wasn't right.