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The Romans actually invented concrete! We still use that today. They also invented roads. The Roman people invented the making of wine and how to do it. Romans had and used libraries and the building design of Roman buildings are still in use today.

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Q: What did the Romans make that you still use today?
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Did the Romans make a number system which we still use today?

NO the ancient greece did

What did the Romans do that you still do today other than Roman numerals?

We still use their language which is Latin.

Which culture uses the aqueduct?

The ancient Romans did, and believe it or not, some aqueducts are still in use today.

Did the Romans use lead pipes for their water?

Yes and it still widely used even today

Do we still use Roman sewers today?

Yes. The Romans basically used the same waterways that we use today such as the Tiber River, the Rhine River and the Mediterranean Sea.Yes. The Romans basically used the same waterways that we use today such as the Tiber River, the Rhine River and the Mediterranean Sea.Yes. The Romans basically used the same waterways that we use today such as the Tiber River, the Rhine River and the Mediterranean Sea.Yes. The Romans basically used the same waterways that we use today such as the Tiber River, the Rhine River and the Mediterranean Sea.Yes. The Romans basically used the same waterways that we use today such as the Tiber River, the Rhine River and the Mediterranean Sea.Yes. The Romans basically used the same waterways that we use today such as the Tiber River, the Rhine River and the Mediterranean Sea.Yes. The Romans basically used the same waterways that we use today such as the Tiber River, the Rhine River and the Mediterranean Sea.Yes. The Romans basically used the same waterways that we use today such as the Tiber River, the Rhine River and the Mediterranean Sea.Yes. The Romans basically used the same waterways that we use today such as the Tiber River, the Rhine River and the Mediterranean Sea.

Did the Romans invent fashion people still use today?

No. Nobody has worn togas since the Roman days.

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What Latin words from the Romans do you still use today?

Many words used in law, medicine, science and theology are Latin.

Why are Roman numerals still in use?

Because Latin was the language of the ancient Romans which is still used today and Roman numerals is the numerical aspect of the Latin language.

Why did the Romans make a toilet and do they still use them?

The Romans made toilets for the same reason that we make toilets----to go into. However the Romans also used their toilets as garbage dumps and all household waste as well as human waste was flushed down them. And yes, the Romans still use toilets. They have them in all the houses and apartments, restaurants, public buildings, etc. in the city.

Did the Romans invent anything you still use in everyday life?

Yes, we still use things invented by the Romans, although they are modernized. Concrete. taxi meters, the calender, travel agencies, aqueducts, water holding tanks, surveying equipment, and apartment buildings are just a few of Roman innovations that we still use today.

What did the Romans create in Britain?

They built roads, many of which are still in use today, hot water, sewers, so many things