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I do not know about this kind of soilders but what soilders fight for is to save our country and state and for fredome

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Q: What did the Union soldiers fight for?
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What decisions did soldiers make in the civil war?

have the union fight on their own landfight on higher ground

After the Emancipation Proclamation, the Union army?

actively began recruiting African American soldiers to fight

The main advangtage of the south was?

military supremacy and fighting on their own soil. Also, they had a cause to fight for- the Union soldiers were just there to save the Union.

How might the attitudes of union soldiers have been affected by fighting in their own territory?

Soldiers often fight more intensely in defense of their native soil.

How might attitudes of union soldiers have been affected by fighting in their own territory?

Soldiers often fight more intensely in defense of their native soil.

What document did lincoln issued in attempt to make union solders more willing to fight?

The Emancipation Proclomation influenced the soldiers

How did the African regiments help the union war effort?

they helped because they would fight with the north and that would get them more soldiers.

When were African Americans allowed to enlist as soldiers in the union army?

Yes, and there was a special unit of African American soldiers in the Union army. They had white officers and did fight in battles. A good movie on this is "Glory" with Denzal Washington. Very powerful.

Who attacks the soldiers in the Civil War?

If it was the Confederate soldiers, the Union would attack the Confederates. If it was the Union soldiers, then the Confederates would attack the Union.

Who had the most soldiers in the Civil War?

Union had more soldiers in the war.

How many Union soldiers were fighting at the Battle of Gettysburg?

97,000 Union soldiers

How many union soldiers fought in fort Sumter?

80 union soldiers