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Q: What did the art of the Counter-Reformation depict?
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Because it does not depict anything.

What do the bronze doors of Bishop Bernward depict?

According to my Art H 101 course... the narrative scenes depict scenes from the Bible.

What did Protestant artist depict in their art?

the " ideal man" and everyday scenes

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the early men depicted the paintings of animals and the tribals also depict the paintings of animals.

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to depict freedom and intelligence and also to show a historical story in the time.

What are some examples of artwork depicting the Jews killing Jesus?

movies are works of art which depict the crucifixion

How has texture proved essential to many cultural art forms?

It has been used to depict a message or a feeling

How do you depict a drawing or another piece of art using science?

By photo or in a copying machine. ________________________________________________________________________ no, i mean, how do you find the science in a piece of art, how do i look at the piece of art in a scientific fashion. I'm doing a science/art fair project for school due this Wednesday, and i need to know how to depict my art using science. I'm going to have a short paragraph under every piece of art i do talking about what science is used in my pieces of art, and I'm gonna have a couple of other paragraphs explaining how science is used in art. My project is going to be the science of art ;p

Why did Egyptian art and architecture often depict animals such as a lion body of the spinx?

Gods were often symbolized by animals

What impact did Cubism have on other art forms?

It showed it is possible to depict objects in other than realistic .ways

What is colonial painting?

Art that developed in colonial America that often would depict landscape (often of the west) or common life. Also, look for the Hudson River School of Art. It was an art school that taught these skills.

Examine the artwork below. The technique used to depict a bull in this image is most similar to which art movement?
