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they offered citizen ship to an y one who qualifyed , and was a man

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Q: What did the city states of Athens offered to its citizens?
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Why do you think they lived in Athens and not in Sparta?

Who is they. The citizens of Sparta lived in Sparta. The citizens of Athens lived in Athns. Each preferred their own city, which is why they were citizens of that city.

How did Philosophy develop in Greece?

the citizens of greek city states such as Athens had strong patriotic feelings and valued there freedom

Was democracy the only form of government in the ancient Greek city-states?

No, "democracy" only existed in Athens. Also it was limited to just Freeborn Male Citizens of Athens.

Why do Athene and Poseidon get into an argument?

Athene and Poseidon argued over who would be the patron deity of Athens. Athene claimed that the city should bear her name because she offered them the olive tree, while Poseidon offered them a well of saltwater. The citizens of Athens voted in favor of Athene, making her the city's patron deity.

Citizens from Athens Sparta and other greek city-states worked to defeat what country when they tried to invade Greece?


What was the heritage of democracy that comes from the Greek city states particularly Athens.?

It was direct democracy where the citizens voted in assembly, as opposed to today's representative democracy, where citizens elect representatives to a parliament.

What were the two most powerful city-states in early Greece?

Athens, Thebes, and Sparta were the three most powerful Greek City-States.

What did it mean to be citizen of Athens?

To be a citizen of Ancient Athens you had to be a full grown man that was born in Athens.

Where did Greek citizens buy their goods?

It matters. Athens just traded with other countries. Sparta attacked other city-states and and stole. That's how they did it.

What were Athens and Spartans?

Athens and Sparta were Greek city-states in Ancient Greece.

Where were city states?

The first city states were probably the greek city states such as Athens, Sparta and Delphi. note: the city of Athens depended on trade and education the spartens depended on military and Delphi depened on religion

How many people lived in Athens?

During its Golden Age in the 5th century BC, Athens had a population estimated to be around 250,000 people, including citizens, residents, and slaves. This made Athens one of the largest city-states in ancient Greece.