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The taxation to the colonists. Britain said that they could do that because they were in charge of everything that happened in their territory. The colonists said that they could not be taxed because there was no representation in Britain's Parliament.

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The American Colonist argued no taxation without representation to the English parliament.

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Q: What did the colonists and great Britain disagreed over?
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yes, it is true that Hamilton and Jefferson disagreed over whether Great Britain or France should be America's closest European ally.

The colonies disagreed with England over issue of?

The colonies disagreed with England over the issue of taxation. After the Treaty of Paris of 1763, Parliament determined the colonies should help pay the costs of the war. They enacted legislation, taxes and tariffs and instituted a form of mercantilism on the colonies in an effort to bolster Englandâ??s coffers. The colonists protested this and widely disagreed with the economic sanctions. In addition, the colonists were not being given representation for their taxes.

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Colonists will have more taxes.

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England, a country that was a part of Great Britain.

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They were called Loyalists or Tories.

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I suggest that you go to and play the mission colony or crown.

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Was the most important reason that conflict developed between Britain and the American colonists between 1763 and 1774?

Due to the great distance between the colonies and Britain it was hard for Britain to enforce control over the colonists. The colonists got used to essentially governing themselves, so when British rule was more strictly imposed after the 7 Years War (Taxes imposed on the colonists were to try and alleviate the war debt, but led to "No taxation without representation!") the colonists rebelled.

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The colonial power you are referring to is Great Britain, when they took over New Amsterdam, a Dutch colony. The Dutch colonists surrendered, and today, New Amsterdam is New York City.

Why did the colonies and Great Britain begin to grow apart?

The main reason for the separation of the colonies from Great Britain was taxes and tariffs. Taxes on sugar, tea and other goods were placed upsetting the colonists. The royal proclamation of 1763 limited the colonist's western expansion past the Appalachian mountains, intensifying the outrage of the American colonists.

Which factor contributed to the movement for independence from Britain?

There are three factors that contributed to the movement for independence from Britain: 1. Thomas Paine's Common sense 2. Discontent among the colonists over king George restrictive trade policies 3. A desire by the colonists to govern themselves