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they gave to much power to the states

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Q: What did the constitutional convention decide to call the leader of the country?
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Who was elected the leader of the Constitutional Convention?

George Washington was elected leader of the Constitutional Convention.

What famous leader was out of the country on government missions during the constitutional convention?

Benjamin Franklin

Who was the oldest leader at the Constitutional Convention?

The oldest leader at the oldest leader at the constitutional convention was Ben Franklin, he was 81 years old :0

Who was the leader at the Constitutional Convention?

Alexander Hamilton

Leader of constitutional convention?

George Washington

The delegates at the constitutional convention chose you as their leader?

George Washington

who was the leader of the constitutional convention is know as the father of the constitution?

James Madison

Who was elected the president in the constitutional convention?

George Washington was the person elected to be president of the constitutional convention because he was the leader for almost everything involving the constitution.

Who did delegates at the constitutional convention chose as their leader?

george washington. i hope this helps yall

Was the intellectual leader of the constitutional convention James Madison?

Yes, James Madison is widely regarded as the intellectual leader of the Constitutional Convention. He played a key role in shaping the convention's agenda, contributing to the drafting of the Virginia Plan, and playing an active role in the debates and discussions. Madison's ideas and proposals formed the basis for much of the final Constitution of the United States.

Who was unanimously elected to lead the Constitutional Convention?

George Washington was elected to preside over and moderate the Constitutional Convention, in recognition of his work in the American Revolution and because of the fact that he was well known and respected by all.

Why George Washington chosen president of the convention?

George Washington was chosen as the president of the Constitutional Convention because he was highly respected and admired as a military leader and statesman. His reputation and character gave him a level of credibility and influence that was crucial in ensuring the success and legitimacy of the convention. Additionally, his presence helped to unite the diverse group of delegates and maintain order and decorum throughout the proceedings.