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Black Silt

it was a rich thick soil that The Africans got in between June and September when the flooding of the banks took place.

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Q: What did the egyptians call the fertile soil left behind following tghe annual flooding of the nile?
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Why did Egyptians look forward to the annual flooding waters?


Which civilization was dependent on the annual flooding of the Nile River?


How does annual flooding cause for Egyptians?

It provides nutrients for the soil

What annual event caused the Egyptians to develop a calendar?

The flooding of the Nile

What was left behind by the nile's annual flooding?

Deep deposits of fertile soil

What was left behind the Nile's annual flooding?

Deep deposits of fertile soil

Why did the Egyptians look forward to the flooding of the Nile River?

The Egyptians looked forward to the annual flooding of the Nile river for the enrichment of the fields . When the Nile overflowed its banks it deposited fertile silt onto their farm fields. This was so vital for them to grow their food it many festivals and deities evolved around the inundation.

What annual event caused the egyptians to create a calendar?

The answer you are looking for is probably "The flooding of the Nile".

What annual event made Egypt a country with fertile farmable land?

It is the flooding of the Nile River

How is the annual flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers related to the surplus of crops in the Fertile Crescent?

The annual flooding brought silt to refresh the land and provided a water supply to support crops and the populace.

How did the flooding of the nile affect mesopotamia and egyptians?

The flooding of the Nile benefited the Egyptians as it provided fertile soil for agriculture, enabling them to develop a prosperous civilization. In Mesopotamia, the annual flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers also brought fertile soil, but it was often more unpredictable and destructive, leading to challenges in irrigation and crop management. Despite these differences, both societies relied heavily on the annual floodwaters for their agricultural production and overall survival.

How did people get their food at ancient Egypt?

It was grown by peasants in the fertile Nile delta. The Nile's annual flooding assured the Egyptians bountiful harvests every year, and othe commodities were obtained through trade with other nations.