

What did the lend lease act do?

Updated: 4/29/2024
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11y ago

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The Lend-Lease act was a law passed in 1941 which allowed the United States to ship war materials and supplies to the Allied powers during World War 2. The act allowed for considerable U.S. involvement in the war on the side of the Allies while still being able to not completely enter the war and commit the United States Army to the conflict. A large amount of much needed supplies were therefore shipped to the Allied powers supplying them with ammunition, vehicles, and other supplies. Also, although the United States entered the war in 1941, it took a considerable amount of time to mobilize United States' forces and most of the battles through 1942 fell on the forces of the other Allied powers. The Lend-Lease act allowed the United States to stay active in supporting the other Allies while mobilizing its troops.

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1mo ago

The Lend-Lease Act was a program that allowed the United States to lend or lease military equipment to allied countries during World War II. This support helped boost the allies' war efforts without the need for immediate payment, strengthening the overall fight against Axis powers.

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12y ago

No, the Lend Lease act did not help Germany. The act was Americans pre-war way and during war way of economicly supporting allied nations. In FDR's speech to congress he said "We will provide Great Britian with ever greater numbers of planes, tanks, guns, that is our purpose that is our duty." The US shipped supplies under the Lend Lease act England, France, Russia, China and other nations. In exchange for the war time materials, Great Britain gave the US 99year leases on naval bases through out the Caribbean, Middleeast, and the Pacific, as well promising to pay back most of their debt. Deals much like that made with England were made with other nations.

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14y ago

It allowed the United States to "subtly" support the allies in their war against the axis powers by providing Britain with supplies and weapons.

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13y ago

The Lend Lease Act did not cause or help cause World War 2. It helped the Brits during the Battle of Britain and Battle of the Atlantic. The war was cause by Adolf Hitler and the Japanese.

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