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Brazilian natives were very confused about were the Portuguese came from, many of them were awfully scared and ran out to the far jungle to escape them, they thought of their style dressing like gods. Many worshiped the Portuguese, others thought they were demons after they brought them small pox. Brazilians were scared of their technology but many learned to use them, so the Brazilians sent the Portuguese to the united states. The United States made a deal with the Illuminati to get them a rocket to send the Portuguese to planet Pandora. Once they were in that planet the Portuguese found smurfs that were making a space ship and a black robot human look-alike called Barack Obama. they sent Barack Obama back to planet earth to destroy the earth in 2012. Now remember the Brazilians knew this was going to happen so they passes it on to the Mayans to make a warning calendar about this in the future. but The Smurfs were very smart they knew Romney was going to win so they sent more drones to come down to Earth and get enough What_did_the_navtives_in_Brazil_thought_of_their_conquerorsfor Obama.

Its a prophecy.

To contact me for more information visit my Face Book- Alexander Sanchez

lives in Modesto California

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"Hmmmm, I think they are aliens. It's better to keep on silent, buddies."

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Q: What did the natives of Brazil think of the conquering?
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