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What do you think about taxes? If we are to have a government at all, then taxes are necessary to keep the burden of government in motion. Preferable slow grinding motion. The more taxes paid a government the bigger that government will become. The bigger a government becomes the more taxes needed to sustain it. The more taxes imposed to sustain the big government will make the government even bigger and even more taxes will be required to...

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Q: What did the patriots think about taxes?
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What did the patriots do?

England went to war with the Patriots in the 1700's because of the protests over the Stamp Act and other taxes levied on the Patriots

Did the patriots do?

England went to war with the Patriots in the 1700's because of the protests over the Stamp Act and other taxes levied on the Patriots

What did the Patriots 1700s do?

England went to war with the Patriots in the 1700's because of the protests over the Stamp Act and other taxes levied on the Patriots

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The Patriots know the land and have a cause for fighting (ANGER WITH TAXES AND OTHER THINGS).

Why did patriots fight?

The patriots wanted to gain independence from Britain because they were giving them to many taxes and the patriots were getting tired of being bossed around by their English relatives.

What did those who opposed the British taxes begin to call themselves?

the patriots

What did patriots do?

to me pretty much i THINK patriots are the people from the war............ there were the red backs i think :L

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Loyalists felt that they had to pay them, while patriots hated the taxes because they felt they should not pay them.

What happened in the patriots vs loyalists debate?

The patriots said that we should not be treated like this and we don't have that much money to pay all of your taxes.

After the stamp act what did those who oppose the British taxes begin to call themselves?

the patriots

What After the Stamp Act what did those who opposed the British taxes begin to call themselves?

the patriots

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Colonist patriots who didn't want to pay taxes to England.