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Q: What did the sound of the Morse code represent?
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International Morse ' V ' : . . . _

What does a Morse code tell you to do?

Morse code is a way to talk to someone using lights or sound.

What is Morse Code for P?

The patterns at the end of the question, if interpreted as Morse Code, represent the letters: T O T

What are the signals used to represent letters and numbers?

The Morse code

What does the dot sound like and what does the dash sound like in Morse code?

.- -...

Who invented a system of communicating using dashes and dots of sound?

This code was created for Samuel Morse's telegraph and is known as Morse Code

What is the answer to the Morse code?

Morse code uses short and longer impulses to spell letters which become words, which anyone listening can "read" if they know the Morse code. The other person can answer in Morse code whatever they feel like. Morse code can be sent by sound, light, marks on a paper strip and so on.

What is the alphabet consisting of dots and dashes that represent letters and numbers?

Morse Code?

What does FOUR dots together represent in Morse Code?

four dots is H

How do you say this is cool in Morse code?

"This is cool" is "- .... .. ... / .. ... / -.-. --- --- .-.." in Morse. The dividers represent spaces between words when written in text format.

How to write Morse code?

To write Morse code, use a combination of short and long signals, known as dots and dashes, respectively, to represent letters, numbers, and punctuation marks, with a short pause between each element. You can write with Morse code translators as well. If you want to learn proper Morse code then you'll need to start with Morse code alphabets first.