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Q: What did the woodland Indians use pottEry for?
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Why did indians use pottery?

because they were uncivilized

What technology did the eastern woodland Indians use?

Eastern Woodland Indians used a variety of technologies to support their way of life, such as birchbark canoes for transportation, bows and arrows for hunting, and a variety of tools made from materials like stone, bone, and wood for tasks like farming and crafting. They were also known for their intricate beadwork and pottery-making techniques.

What did the woodland Indians use for transportation?

They used canoes for transportaion.

What did woodland Indians live in?

Woodland Indians lived in wigwams and longhouses

What did the pueblo Indians use clay for?

They used the clay for their pottery.

Did the eastern woodland Indians use masks to cure diseases?


What did the Comanche Indians use painting for?

The Comanche Indians used painting to make their pottery colorful

What did the Woodland Indians believe?

SpiritsThe Woodland Indians believed in spirits.

What kinds of songs and chants did the eastern woodland Indians use?

the went kakakakakakakak

What do northeastern woodland Indians use for transportation?

mainly canoes and their feet :D

What are osme of the eastern woodland Indians customs?

what are some of the eastern woodland indians customs and traditions

How many Shawnee Indians make pottery?

A ton of Shawnee Indians made pottery.