

What did the world do after the first gulf war?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988 in the Persian Gulf was monitored by US/Allied nations.

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Q: What did the world do after the first gulf war?
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When did the first gulf war finish?

Many historians agree that the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988 was the first Gulf War.

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The first war with Iraq started in 1990. This war, also known as Operation Desert Storm, the Persian Gulf War, First Gulf War, Gulf War I, or the First Iraq War, started when Iraq invaded Kuwait.

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Patriot missiles weren't invented in WWI. They first saw action in the first Gulf War.

Who was in the gulf war 1?

Some historians consider the Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988 to be the first Gulf War.

Did the US really win the gulf war?

The US did win the first Gulf war(1991) however the snd gulf war (2003) was a collosal failure in its result.

How did the Persian Gulf War get that title?

The region of the world where the war took place was in close proximity to the Persian Gulf.

What was the significant of the gulf War?

The Gulf War was the first major conflict after the Cold War, in the era of what President Bush called the New World Order. Indeed, the demise of the Soviet Union created the conditions for the Gulf War to take place. Earlier there were upsets in Panama, Haiti, and the Philippines as Free World dictators were overthrown, but these were minor engagements compared to the Gulf War. Without the Soviet Union to police that area of the world, the Western countries, primarily the US and Great Britain, have taken a greater presence there, along with a greater responsibility.

What is the war when the US kick Iraq out of Kuwait?

The First Gulf war

Did the US declare war on the Persiun Gulf?

First, the Persian Gulf is not a country. Its a body of water, basically between Iran and Saudi Arabia, so it would not be possible to declare war on it. Second, the United States hasn't had a formal declaration of war since World War II.