

What did they do for the iron balls of torture?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What did they do for the iron balls of torture?
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What is the most common torture?

the iron Madden

Are iron balls also called boding balls?

No. Baoding balls are totaly differant.

How do you make an iron maiden torture device?

I don't know. Derbrains

What are some torture devices that have been used throughout history?

Some torture devices that have used throughout history include: Stretching rack, gibbet, the pear, iron maskes, chopping block, gallows, stocks, the wheel, iron chair, burning at the stake, water boarding, ropes, fire, heated iron, Chinese water torture, iron bull, and branding chair. There are several others and these are just a few.

What are the 5 crimes the rat torture was used to punish?

Rats were used because they were cheap, easy to get, and around, but nothing lists why or where they were used. The most common tortures in the middle ages had various devices such as the rack, scavengers daughter, the scolds bridle, ducking stool, torture by dislocation, iron balls, water torture, boot torture branding and burning including being burned at the stake, execution by quartering, execution by the wheel, hanging and being hung, drawn and quartered. I think that these were probably enough.

Who invented the iron maiden torture?

Although it is mostly associated with the middle ages, the iron maiden torture device was not invented until the 19th century. Most historians believe that its usage is a complete myth and was, in fact, a hoax.

What are the names of some Elizabethan torture devices?

Iron Maiden, The rack, The Collar, The pillory

Is iron maiden real?

Is a heavy metal band from England. Also torture device.

How did the name iron maiden originate for the torture device?

The Iron Maiden of Nuremberg, before it was destroyed by allied bombing in 1944, had been fashioned of iron with a likeness of the Virgin Mary

What are some forms of torture used before 1900?

The Iron Maiden, The Rack, Thumb Screws

What is water torture?

Water torture is when someone either A. pours water slowly and constantly over you, nonstop until you go mad,or B. whips water and puts it on an iron maiden.

How do you make Poke balls on Minecraft?

to get poke balls is you need to have the mob. and if you have it get a krafting table and get red wool and a bit of iron and put the iron in the middle. if this dose not help triy gogle.