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Q: What did thomas Paine mean when he said A government without a constitution is power without right?
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Did thomas pain attend the constitutional convention?

Thomas Paine declined the invitation to attend the Constitutional Convention. He did not believe in a strong central government that the new Constitution would enact.

Who made constitution?

Our "Founding Fathers" wrote the constitution. They are: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Thomas Paine.

Why werent Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry at the constitution meeting?

Patrick Henry was simply opposed to having such strong central government, along with Benjamin Franklen. Thomas Paine was simply not at the Colonies durring that time, I believe he was in England.

What were Thomas Paine's view on government?


What did Thomas Paine mean when he said a constitution is not the act of government but of a people constituting a government?

One of the things the Constitution guaranteed was the right to vote; so the people (united states citizens) could vote for who they wanted to run the government.

His writings persuaded the colonists to seek their independence from the British government?

Thomas Paine

Was Thomas Paine a student of Aristotle's?

No. Thomas Paine did read Aristotle but Aristotle lived in ancient Greece and Thomas Paine lived in revolutionary America. They can't have met without a time machine.

What colony does Thomas Paine belong to?

he was mostly into the government of America.

Who believed that the government was exploiting American colonists?

Thomas Paine

It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from his government?

Thomas Paine

Who contributed in the nationalizing factors of the constitution?

John Adams and Thomas Paine both contributed!

What did Thomas Paine think of government?

A famous quote from Thomas Paine reflects what his thoughts were on this subject. He said "Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intollerable one."