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Q: What dies bicameral means?
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Is the legislature of Pennsylvania bicameral or unicameral?

its bicameral, which means "2 houses". we have the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What the definetion of bicameral?

Bicameral means divided into 2 branches or chambers.

Which word means that Congress would have two houses?

Pretty sure its Bicameral

The legislative branch has two houses means that it is?


What is another word for the legislative term bicameral.?

bicameral means that there are two houses in the government. Unicameral means a one house. We have two like the house of representatives and the senate.

What does bicameral mean?

"Bicameral" means "having two chambers."Bicameral: The characteristic of having two branches, chambers, or houses, such as the United States Congress, which is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

A two-house legislature is called?

Generally speaking, a legislative body comprise of two legislative chambers or houses is referred to as being bicameral in nature. Specifically, the bicameral legislative body within the United States of America is called Congress. The bicameral legislative body within the United Kingdom of Britain is called Parliment.

How many house does bicameral have?

The prefix "bi-" in "bicameral" means "two." The root "cameral" derives from the Latin word "camera" meaning room. So a bicameral legislature has two houses or chambers; thus two lawmaking bodies.

What is bicomeral?

Bicameral means two houses like the USA legislature.

Which term means that the legislative branch is divided into two branches?

Bicameral means having two chambers.

Bicameral means having how many houses?

Bi always means two as in bisexual therefore it means two houses

Parliament eventually became a bicameral house which means what?

it divided into two houses