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the perfect diet would be a low GI diet with no added salt.

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Q: What diet a pneumonia patient should take with other problems as sugar and high Blood pressure?
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If patient did not take prescription given by doctor what could possibly happen to the patients pneumonia and what could result in the patients condition from this change?

The patient can succumb to the pneumonia infection, the lungs can fill up with fluid, and the patient die. People die from pneumonia all the time, and was a common cause of death before the advent of antibiotics. If the patient has a prescription, he/she should take it!

What Should be the Precautions While taking Care of pneumonia patient?

Pneumonia-causing germs can become airborne and hence spread easily from person to person. While taking care of a patient recovering from pneumonia it is preferred to use a face mask so that there is minimum exposure to airborne droplets from the patient formed as a result of coughing or sneezing. Moreover, use of hand sanitizer is advised before and after visiting the patient as common surfaces e.g. table tops, door knobs and bed covers can be rich of body fluids from the patient.when <a href=""> is pneumonia contagious </a> and how we take care of it and get away from it

Is it preferable not to get near a person with pneumonia?

It is fine to be near a person with pneumonia, unless your immune system is compromised, as well. Under those circumstances, you should probably keep seven to ten feet between you and the pneumonia patient.

What care should a patient receive after an indium scan of the body?

After the scan, the patient should be able to continue with normal daily activities with no problems.

How Prevent bedsores?

It is usually possible to prevent bedsores from developing or worsening. The patient should be inspected regularly.A bedridden patient should be repositioned at least once every two hours while awake.

Do you say i recovered from pneumonia or i got better from pneumonia?

You should say, "I recovered from pneumonia."

What would keep a comatose patient from getting pressure ulcers?

To keep a comatose patient from getting pressure ulcers they should be kept on a turning schedule. It would also benefit them to have an air mattress on their bed.

What all equipment does a physical therapy center need?

Physical therapist should be able to be sociable and very patient. They should be able to understand their patient's problems and be easy to work with.

Why do doctors have patients with pneumonia refrain from drinking water?

Patients with any lung infection should not refrain from drinking water! Hydration is very important to keeping lung secretions thinned so a patient can cough up the mucous. So whoever told you doctors "refrain" from advising patients to drink water when the patient has pneumonia is simply wrong.

When obtaining a patient's blood pressure the patient arm should be?

Resting at or just below the level of the heart. If raised higher in the air, it will affect the BP reading.

Why should you wear clean protective clothing when caring for a patient?

so that the patient do nat get any kind of bacteria or other allergic problems as the immune system of the patient is weak n can create more complications

When you got pneumonia should you be in the hosiptal?

Yes, pneumonia is/can be deadly if you don't get the correct treatment.