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example: a plastic bag gets wrapped around a pelicans mouth and suffacates it and also keeps it from getting food.

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13y ago

Yes, turtles and dolphins can die from suffocating while eating a plastic bag. If you care about dolphins and sea turtles then you should recycle!

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at least 15,000 a year

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Q: What different animals get caught in and die from plastic bags?
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How does reducing plastic bags help Chinook Salmon?

Plastic bags are very light and can fly away into the ocean. When animals see them they think it is food so they eat them and when they build up animals canget caught in them

What animals are harmed from plastic bags?

all the animals in the world!

In what ways use of plastic bags effect animals?

Plastic bags Killed the following celebrity animals Flipper, Nemo, and yes even Willie the whale!

What are some facts about plastic bags?

About 60 to 100 million barrels of oil are required every year for plastic bags. Plastic bags are killing over 100,000 sea turtles and other marine animals because animals are mistaken them for food. The plastic bags are horrible for our environment it causes pollution, which isn't good for humans or animals, well for anything!

What is the problem with using plastic shopping bags?

Since plastic bags are not biodegradable, they slowly deteriorate into small toxic bits, contaminating water and soil. Plastic is made from chemicals that produce pollution as the plastic is manufactured. Using fewer plastic bags causes less pollution to enter the air humans and animals breathe. At times, plastic bags make their way to the ocean and marine animals eat them, thinking they are food. Some marine animals may even become entangled in the plastic bags .

What are the political implications of a ban on plastic bags in the UK?

The government should ban plastic bags because it is harmful for the environment. Eg. Because plastic bags are sometimes left on the ground they can get caught up in the ocean and kill fish and other...

what do other people say about banning plastic bags?

other people think that plastic bags are harmfull to the envirnment, in witch they are, they also think that they harm animals and marin animals, witch is also true this is what other people think about plastic bags (hoped this help) :D

What happen to the plastic bags or after people throw it away?

Well, after the plastic bags get thrown away on the ground, they go into the ocean and kill a lot of animals. :(

How do plastic bags choke animals?

If you don't cut the plastic the animals might not be able to get the plastic off. But I'm sure that's choking them it's just hurting them

How does poly bags if disposed pf carelessly cause problems to animals and drainage system?

If poly bags are recycled correctly they are 100% recyclable. If they are not disposed of properly animals can eat the plastic or become entangled in the plastic.

What can happen to birds and sea animals when humans pollute beaches with plastic trash?

They can get caught in the bags and other plastics and suffocate. They can also drown, and for birds cannot fly, making them very vulnerable.

What are the hazards of Plastic or Plastic bags?

the hazards of plastic are that they kill animals,and sufficate humans(those are the bad things i could think of.