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They mostly used caves.

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Q: What different thing did the neanderthals use as shelter?
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What did the neanderthals use for their shelter?


What did neanderthals use for shelter?

They lived in caves.

What weapon does the neanderthals use to hunt?

the neanderthals needed weapons so they used sharpened bones, rocks, stones, sticks and other useful thing they could find.

What does the starfish use for shelter?

It uses different types of platnts for a shelter.

What did neanderthals use for transportations?

Neanderthals used there feet for transportation

What did the neanderthals use knives for?

Neanderthals used knives for various tasks, such as cutting meat, bone, and plants. These tools were essential for butchering animals, processing hides, and making other tools like spears and scrapers. Knives also enabled neanderthals to prepare food, leading to a more varied diet and potentially improved nutrition.

Did Neanderthals use stone tools?

Yes, Neanderthals were known to use stone tools, such as handaxes and flakes, for various activities like butchering animals, woodworking, and cutting plants. They are considered to have had a sophisticated tool-making ability similar to early humans.

During what season would you use a lean to for shelter?

All seasons. A leantoo will provide you shelter from snow, rain, sun, wind, etc.. When camping or hiking, shelter is your most important thing.

What did the neanderthals use bone needls for?

Sewing their clothes.

What did Neanderthals use their hands for?

They didn't have hands. ;D

What type of clothing did neanderthals use?

Animal skins.

What did neanderthals use for defense?

Rocks u dumby