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All disaccharides break into 2 monosaccharides. 'Mono' meaning one and 'Di' meaning two. Anything with more than two combined monosaccharides would be a polysaccaride.

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Q: What disaccharide breaks into 2 mono saccharides?
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What do complex carbohydrates breakdown into?

simple sugars known as saccharides. monosaccharide - 1 disaccharide - 2 polysaccharide - 3 or more

What 2 molecules bond together to form a disaccharide?

Fructose and Glucose bond together to form disaccharide.

What two monosaccharides make up milk sugar?

The 2 mono saccharides that make up lactose are glucose and galactose. Glucose is basically sugar in its most basic form. It is made by plants through photosynthesis.

Can monosaccharide be hydrolyzed?

Monosaccharides are simple sugars. They are carbohydrates and one class of carbs is simple sugars and the 2 parts of simple sugars are mono- and di- saccharides

How do monosaccharides form disaccharides?

A disaccharide is the carbohydrate formed when two monosaccharides undergo a condensation reaction which involves the elimination of a small molecule, such as water, from the functional groups only. Disaccharide is one of the four chemical groupings of carbohydrates.

What are the propeties of polysccharide and disaccharide?

Both can be hydrolized further.Polysaccharide are not sweet,cannot be chrystalized,not soluble in water,not reducing agents,are polymers Disaccharides are sweet,can be chrystalized,soluble in water,some are reducing and some are oxidizing agents

What type of sugar are there?

Sugars can be classified under various criteria.(1) According to the number of monomers present they could be classified as mono saccharides(one monomer), di saccharides(2 monomers) and oligosaccharides(3 to 10 monomers).Mono saccharides could be classified further depending on the number of C atoms present as:Triose (3 C atoms)Tetrose (4 C atoms)Pentose (5 C atoms)Hexose (6 C atoms)Heptose (7 C atoms)(2) According to the functional group present.If the functional group is an aldehyde then those sugars are AldosesIf the functional group is an ketone then those sugars are Ketoses.I saw this under the chemistry category. Hope this is what you expected.

What are carbohydrates building blocks called?

The building block of a carbohydrate is mono saccharides.

What forms a disaccharide?

A disaccharide is formed when 2 monosaccharide's condenses in water. A disaccharide is essentially just a carbohydrate that is formed when a small molecule is eliminated.

What different types of sugars are there?

Sugars can be classified under various criteria.(1) According to the number of monomers present they could be classified as mono saccharides(one monomer), di saccharides(2 monomers) and oligosaccharides(3 to 10 monomers).Mono saccharides could be classified further depending on the number of C atoms present as:Triose (3 C atoms)Tetrose (4 C atoms)Pentose (5 C atoms)Hexose (6 C atoms)Heptose (7 C atoms)(2) According to the functional group present.If the functional group is an aldehyde then those sugars are AldosesIf the functional group is an ketone then those sugars are Ketoses.I saw this under the chemistry category. Hope this is what you expected.

What is the breakdown of a disaccharide?

Monosaccharides. Both words, monosaccharide and disaccharide break down into 2 parts. The 'saccharide' bit in each means 'sugar' and comes from an ancient Greek word. The prefixes 'mono' and 'di' mean 'one' and 'two' respectively, and again they're also from ancient Greek. If you break apart a disaccharide (a two-sugars) you get a monosaccharide (a one-sugar). Both Greek and Latin are used quite a bit in biology (which stems from a time when if you were educated at all then you learn to read and write both languages). The prefixes here, the 'mono' and 'di' are used more broadly than just sugar chemistry.

What products do you gain when you slit a disaccharide?

2 monosaccharides