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Answer 1 There is NO fighting between Northern Ireland and the Republic. The conflict was between two groups in Northern Ireland. One wanted to stay part of the UK. The other wanted to leave the UK to join up with the rest of Ireland again. They have now signed a peace agreement. Answer 2 Long ago, Britain conquered Ireland (the reason both English and Irish are spoken in Ireland). Many people wanted Ireland to be independent again.. So they fought against the British (the Irish War of Independence). There are 32 counties in Ireland, and in the northeast there were 4 where they native Irish had been driven out and the British had settled so that they were a majority. These settlers said they didn't want to be part of an independent Ireland and would rebel unless they were allowed to split off from the rest of the country. They were called unionists, and the people who wanted independence were called Nationalists. In the end, Britain said they would give back 26 counties out of the 32 that are in the island of Ireland. They would keep six of the 9 counties in the province of Ulster (the 4 that had Unionist majorities plus 2 that had Nationalist majorities). There was a group of people in Ireland who wanted all the counties back, and the other side of Irish that wanted to take the deal. This resulted in a Civil War and the people who said that they would take the 26 back won. The Nationalists in the Six Counties weren't happy, especially as they were discriminated against by the Unionists. So they fought the Unionists and the British to join up again with the rest of Ireland. Fortunately, there is now a peace agreement.

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Whether Northern Ireland should remain within the UK or become a part of the Republic of Ireland. It's a hotly contested issue on both sides. On one side, you've got the Unionists that want Northern Ireland to remain a part of the United Kingdom. On the other side, you've got the Republicans who want all 32 counties of Ireland under Irish control.

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