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The Neolithic Age began about 9500 B.C. in the Middle East. It was characterized by making stone tools, farming and the domestication of animals, homes became permanent, and crafts such as pottery and weaving began.

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Q: What discovery signified the Neolithic age?
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What discovery signified the beginning of the Neolithic Age?

The discovery of agriculture and the shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities signified the beginning of the Neolithic Age. This transition allowed for the development of permanent settlements, the domestication of plants and animals, and the emergence of more complex societies.

What discovery ended the Neolithic age?

The discovery that started the neolithic age was farming

What discovery shifted paleolithic man to the neolithic age?


What discovery marked the end of the neolithic age?

The discovery of metalworking marked the end of the Neolithic Age. This led to the beginning of the Bronze Age, as people started using metal tools and weapons instead of stone ones.

What Ended The Neolithic Era?

AnswerThe neolithic age ended because of the discovery of bronze.It was actullaly copper but...ok

What discovery marked the beginning of Neolithic age?

The discovery of agriculture marked the beginning of the Neolithic Age. This included the cultivation of crops, such as wheat and barley, and the domestication of animals, such as sheep and goats. This shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities occurred around 10,000 BCE.

Use Neolithic in a sentence?

The discovery of agriculture was a significant advancement during the Neolithic period.

Which metals were used first in the neolithic age?

The Neolithic Age saw the use of copper as one of the first metals. This was followed by the discovery and use of bronze, which is an alloy of copper and tin. The use of bronze marked a significant advancement in technology and craftsmanship during the Neolithic period.

Did the discovery of metals and development of metalworking mark the beginning of the new stone age?

No, the discovery of metals and the development of metalworking marked the transition from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age. The Bronze Age followed the Neolithic period, which was the final stage of the Stone Age characterized by the development of agriculture and settled communities.

What is another name for the new stone age is the?

The Neolithic time period or the Neolithic Age.

What invention or discovery separated the old stone age from the new stone age?

Agriculture: the people of the neolithic became farmers and began to live a more settled lifestyle.

What animal was a product of Neolithic culture?

Dogs were domesticated in Neolithic times.