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Q: What disease can be spread by sharing drinks and kissing?
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How is the virus of mono transmitted?

Mono is spread through saliva, with an incubation period of 4 to 7 weeks, giving it the nickname the 'Kissing Disease'.

Sharing food and drinks are bad?

Yes. In many cases this statement is true. You never know who is carrying around what disease. For example, sharing drinks, food, or even kissing can spread mononucleosis if the other person is exposed to it. My suggestion is to not share food/drinks with anyone, and don't kiss anyone, unless they have had tests proven that they do not have mono. or AID's, or any other saliva disease.

If a girl likes you will she share her drink with you?

Sharing drinks is not a indication of how much someone likes you, and its a good way to spread disease.

How is mono spread?

Only by sharing saliva with someone who has the virus and is contagious Sharing drink, food, kissing etc.

Can kissing be bad?

No kissing is a good thing.... Unless you take it too far at a young age. Just... Don't

This insect spread parasites when it drinks the blood of animals?

Any parasite can spread disease. Mosquitoes, ticks, flees and lice are the most common.

How can mono spread?

You can spread mononucleosis by kissing people, sharing utensils, or having sex. You can also get it from being coughed or sneezed on by infected persons.

Can you get hiv from sharing shoes?

You can't get HIV from sharing shoes, clothes, combs, or drinks. HIV isn't spread by casual or household contact.

Why was kissing banned during 1439 in England?

To try to stop the spread of pestilence and disease.

What's Mononucleosis?

Mono, is sometimes called "the kissing disease. It is the spread of germs found in saliva that causes it.

Is there a such thing as a kissing disease?

One of the most commonly known one is Mononucleosis (Mono). Streptococcus can also be spread via kissing, but this is a bacteria, so it can cause a plethora of different diseases, most commonly strep throat and gum disease. These aforementioned diseases are the ones spread through saliva that is exchanged via kissing. There's also mouth sores. HSV 1 (Oral Herpes [Cold Sores]) can be spread this way if the sore is leaking fluid. I see that you put this in the 'HIV and AIDS' category. HIV/AIDS are blood borne diseases and while they have been found in saliva, it's virtually impossible for it to be spread through the saliva route. Same with Hepatitis B.

How mumps is spread?

So it can be easily spread by direct contact with saliva, like kissing of an infected person and a healthy person, or can also be spread through sharing objects contaminated with infected saliva (e.g. cups, utensils). This virus can also be spread when by breathing in droplets coming from infected persons cough or sneeze fall on a healthy person.