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Q: What disease causes the immune system to attack the central nervous system?
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Does mustard gas attack the nervous system?

yes, it attack the central nervous system and it also causes red bumps that will quickly turn to blisters.

What is Huntington's corea?

Properly called Huntington's Disease, it is an inherited condition that causes deterioration of the central nervous system. You can find more information at the website of the Huntington's Disease Society of America.

What kind of genetic disease is huntington's?

Transmitted on a dominant gene, it causes a breakdown of the central nervous system. Please see the link at the bottom of this page.

What is a human genetic disorder caused by a dominant gene is?

One example is Huntington's Disease. Carried on a dominant gene, it causes deterioration of the central nervous system, affecting movement, swallowing, personality, etc.

Did Lou Gehrig have diarrhea?

I'm sure Lou Gehrig had diarrhea occasionally, as everyone does, but the disease called Lou Gehrig's Disease is ALS or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, a degenerative disease of the central nervous system that causes the muscles to waste away.

Impairment occurs when alcohol causes disorganization in what?

the central nervous system.

How might mimicking the the sympathetic nervous system help alleviate an asthma attack?

The sympathetic nervous system causes dilation of the bronchioles. This can alleviate symptoms of an asthma attack.

What is a defect of huntington's disease?

Huntington's affects the central nervous system (the brain). It causes difficulty of coordination, which affects movement, speech, swallowing. It also causes changes in personality, affecting memory, depression, and dementia. See link below.

Does Jim kelly have a disabled child?

Kelly's son, Hunter, had Krabbe Disease and passed away at the age of 8 in 2005. Krabbe Disease is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system that destroys cells in the brain. There is no cure and, if present at birth, usually causes death by the age of 2.

How does heroin affect the body system?

It is a narcotic and causes central nervous system depression.

What kind of disease is central serous retinopathy?

Central serous retinopathy is an eye disease that causes visual impairment. The disease also goes by the name central serous chorioretinonpathy and is often a temporary condition.

How long can you have parkinsons for?

Parkinsons is a disease that causes a breakdown of the central nervous system. As with many diseases there is no set time an individual can live for after being diagnosed, but will eventually lead to being unable to care for one's self.