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Abdominal fat has been linked to Heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholsterol and Diabetes.

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Q: What disease does abdominal fat lead to?
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Related questions

Is belly fat the most dangerous type of fat?

Belly fat, or intra-abdominal fat, is the worst type of fat for the human body to carry. It is metabolically active, and raises estrogen levels in the blood. This can be dangerous because it can help to cause diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. It also puts pressure on the abdominal organs and puts stress on the heart.

Too much fat leads to this?

too much fat can lead to heart disease, type two diabetes and cancer

What are the easiest exercises to lose abdominal fat?

Abdominal fat can be very difficult to lose, especially for women. While they sell many expensive devices to help cure abdominal fat, simple crunches are the most effective and cheapest way to lose abdominal fat.

What are the positive and negative consequences of hydrogenating a fat?

Hydrogenating a fat can lead to diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease, but it does prolong shelf life.

For what patients are abdominal ultrasounds used as an imaging tool?

for patients afflicted with chronic or acute abdominal pain; abdominal trauma; an obvious or suspected abdominal mass; symptoms of liver or biliary tract disease, pancreatic disease, gallstones, spleen disease, kidney disease, and urinary blockage

Cardiovascular disease risk is greatest for people who tend to store body fat in the?

Abdomen. The male "beer belly" pattern of fat storage around the abdominal organs is more associated with heart disease than the female pattern of storing it around the hips and buttocks.

Can you spot reduce and lose fat in the abdominal region by doing abdominal curls?


Health problems to do with eating too much fat?

Over time, you die. Eating too much fat can lead to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

What is the most unhealthy fat storage?


What fat is located deep within the abdominal region and protects the digestive organs?

Visceral fat protects the abdominal organs deep within the body.

How do I diet and exercise to lose abdominal fat?

Diet and excercise together is a very successful way to reduce abdominal fat. Not only will exercise help you burn more calories, but when combined with a low calorie diet you can actually lose more abdominal fat.

Are fat kids a disease?

NO fat kids are not a disease they cant help being fat..