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48,XXYY syndrome

By Vinoth, India

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16y ago
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Q: What disease has the symptoms of tall stature truncal obesity skin ulcers craniofacial dysmorphism and gynecomastia?
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What is the medical term for return of disease symptoms?

Relapse is the medical term meaning the return of symptoms of disease. For instance, some people with multiple sclerosis have a relapsing/remitting pattern of disease, with periods of symptoms interspersed with periods of no symptoms.

How is gynecomastia diagnosed?

Carefully feeling the area beneath the nipple of an adolescent boy with breast enlargement will reveal a discreet and sometimes tender lump the size of a fat nickel or quarter. For more serious gynecomastia, the underlying disease will require evaluation

What is the meaning of asymptomatic?

It actually means this. showing no symptoms at all.

Is gynecomastia usually treated?

This condition is usually not treated. If it is the result of endocrine disease, hormone manipulations may reduce the effects of the imbalance.

Symptoms of huntingtons disease?

The symptoms of Huntingtons Disease are, mental deterioration and uncontrollable movements; symptoms usually appear in middle ages.

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The symptoms of the Crohn's disease include crampy abdominal pain, fatigue and fever.

When do symptoms of Gaucher disease first appear?

Symptoms of Gaucher disease can start in infancy, childhood, or adulthood.

The manifestations of a disease are defined as?

Signs and symptoms of a disease.

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What is the disease that combines symptoms of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's?

Parkinson's Disease with Dementia and Lewy Body Disease both combine Alzheimer's and Parkinson's symptoms.

What are the signs and symptoms of koch's disease?

There are no signs and symptoms in the early stages of Koch's Disease. Koch's Disease is also known as Tuberculosis. Later signs and symptoms include fever, chills, and sweating.

What are the signs of a disease?
