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You have a anti immune problem. i have a anti immune disease because of gluten, which causes me to have hypothyroidism. because the gluten and thyroid hormone look similar. the antibodies keep adding up because they are trying to kill the gluten and sooner or later attack your thyroid and other tissues

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Q: What disease is linked to too many antibodies in the blood?
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How does the lymphocyte cells adapted to it function?

Lymphocytes produce antibodies to defend against disease. They have a large nucleus that contains many copies of genes for the production of antibodies.

What do blood white blood cells do?

White blood cells, also called Leukocytes, carry out immunity functions in the blood. There are many different types of WBC's in the blood, divided into two groups: Granulated and not Granulated. Each different type carries out a different immune function.

What kind of antibodies does type A and B produces?

Individuals with type A blood produce anti-B antibodies and individuals with type B produce anti A. There are many sub groups of blood antibodies such as D (Rh) but we usually only refer to the ABO systems.

Can a blood test show crohn's disease?

It is certainly one of the steps involved in the screening and diagnosis. Antibodies to various proteins including Baker's or Brewer's yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) and bacteria like Escherichia. coli (E. coli) are present in the blood of many people with Crohn's disease but show up rarely in non Crohns people.

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How do antigens protect the body from diseases?

Antigens do not protect the body from disease. Antibodies protect the body from many diseases.

Can you make antibodies for diseases you have never come in contact with?

Yes. A person comes across many colds in a year or a life time and produces antibodies for each. Babies get many colds in the first years and fewer as they get older because they have made antibodies.

What is white blood disease called today?

White blood disease is an old name for leukemia. There are many more white blood cells than there should be.

What are bad examples for sex linked traits?

Height, eye color, many behavioral traits and many single gene deleterious mutations that lead to disease, such as Huntington's disease.

Is too much antibodies in body serious?

yes it is extremely dangerous i forget what disease it is called but they have so many antibodies just moving around doing nothing that they eventually attack your own vital body systems

What does a negative ana test mean?

A positive ANA (anitnuclear antibody) test means that the person makes antibodies against the nucleus of their own cells. All cells live for a while and then die. When they die, they break down in the blood. The antinuclear antibodies think that the debris from the nucleus is a germ that shouldbe destroyed. This is not normal. 10 million Americans have a positive ANA. 1.5 million have lupus. 2-3 percent of people with lupus will have a negative ANA. The pattern that shows up under when the cells are treated with immunofluorescent dye is more important than the fact that the test is postive. Lupus will cause a speckeld pattern. The ANA test is a titer. This means the number is how many times a sample of blood had to be diluted to come up with a sample that has no antinuclear antibodies in it. Typically the numbers will be 40, 80, 160, 320, 640 etc. Many people have a positive ANA and don't have any active disease. The older a person gets, the more likely they are to test postive.

You have too many antibodies in your bloodis there a name for this and will you have to take medication?

having excessive amounts of white blood cells can be from lupis..