

What disorder by proxy is a form of child abuse?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Munchausen's by Proxy. Where a parent or caregiver injures or sickens a child to garner sympathy for themselves.

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Q: What disorder by proxy is a form of child abuse?
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Is child abuse funny to you?

NO, Any Form Of Child Abuse Is Not Funny At All, In-fact it is Horrific.

In Texas if a parent gives consent to a fourteen yr old to get a tattoo is it a form of child abuse?

No this is not a form of child abuse. child abuse is like your doing something to someone or your trying to force someone to do something that they don't want to do. The question i want to know is what do the child have to say about it?

What happened to Julie Gregory's mother?

Julie Gregory's mother was diagnosed with Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a rare form of child abuse where a caregiver exaggerates or induces illness in the person they are caring for. Julie exposed her mother's actions in her memoir "Sickened."

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emotional abuse

What is the definition of Muchausen by Proxy?

Munchausen by proxy is a form of child abuse, and a type of mental illness that requires treatment. An individual, generally either the parent or the main caretaker, either exaggerates or even fabricates illness symptoms in a child, in order to gain attention and sympathy for themselves. The caretaker may even go so far as to cause symptoms via poisoning, overdosing with medication, or suffocating the child. In as many as 85% of cases, the mother is the individual responsible for fabricating the symptoms.

What is the research of child abuse?

as far as research to child abuse, counselling is done to find the mental effects abuse has to a childs future. and analyzing different cases of abuse is done to adjust criminal charges to ensure every form of abuse is punishable by the law.

Is parental alienation a child abuse?

Abused children are likely to feel alienated from their parents, but alienation is not itself a form of abuse, it is just a consequence of abuse.

Is child abuse psychological?

Yes and no. Child abuse can take many forms. But the result, or the impact it has on the child, is emotional and psychological. The forms child abuse can take are emotional child abuse, psychological child abuse (also referred to as mental child abuse), and physical child abuse.

What are the legal issues for child abuse?

Legal issues regarding child abuse generally revolve around what counts as child abuse and what doesn't. For example, some people consider spanking child abuse while others consider it an acceptable form of punishment. Constitutional protections of the parent-child relationship and privacy in the home must also be legally balanced with the welfare of the child.

What is direct child abuse?

Any form of emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, and neglect.

When voting is it necessary to fill out an absentee ballot when a proxy form has been filled out?

When a person fills out a proxy form he is basically giving to another person the right to vote for him. A proxy is not a ballot. The person carrying the proxy should be given a ballot for himself and one for the proxy that he is carrying for another.