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The gun should be 8 to 10 inches from the surface. Be sure to hold the gun square to the surface, and overlap passes by 50%.

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Q: What distance should the spray gun be from the car when painting?
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Definitely do not spray your car on your own. The colors are almost impossible to match and it will look like you did it yourself. I would go to a professional body painting company. However, if you are dead set on painting it yourself, go to your nearest auto parts store and they should be able to direct you to the body paint.

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Assuming the car in question is your own property, you are free to paint it by any means. If the car is not yours then yes it would be a very serious crime.

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which is the best technique for removing the scratch from a car?

If your car got some scratch then there are various ways to remove it. One of the methods is car spray painting. It is one of the easiest methods if you know how to do it. There are some tips and techniques which you need to remember before doing it. Firstly you have to maintain a rhythm and secondly if in case u miss some sport then no need to break your rhythm. You can cover that part in another coating. Don't make a thick coating maintain it thin and clean. If you are spray on a particular part then tape the other nearby parts so it looks clean and nice. If you feel that you are not able to do it then contact your nearby car spray painting agency.

What is the distance your car horn should be audible from?

200 feet

What is another word for car painting?

Automotive refinish is another word for car painting.