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Telemachus threatens to throws stones at Eumaeus and chase him out into the country if he does not comply. He also laments that he could not evict some of the other suitors who mean mischief.

The laughter from the suitors gives Eumaeus enough time to get the bow to Odysseus.

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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Eumaeus distracts the suitors by telling them a story about an imaginary journey, giving Odysseus the opportunity to string his bow and prepare for the upcoming conflict.

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Q: What distraction enables Eumaeus to get the bow to Odysseus?
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Who gave Odysseus his bow?

Odysseus killed the suitors with the bow that Iphitusonce had given him. He had inherited it from his father Eurytus of Oechalia, who in turn had received it from Apollo. This bow Odysseus, when going to war, would never take with him, but let it lay at home.During the contest to string the bow, the swineherd Eumaeus brings Odysseus his bow, after prompting from Odysseus, then Penelope, then Telemachus.

Who does Odysseus reveal himself to before trying to bow?

Odysseus follows Eumaeus and Philoetius outside. He assures himself of their loyalty and then reveals his identity to them by means of the scar on his foot

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Odysseus proves he is Odysseus in Book 21 of the Odyssey by stringing his bow and executing a precise shot through a series of challenging tasks that only he could accomplish. His skillful handling of the bow, as well as his knowledge of secret details about the bow, convince others of his true identity.

What is the suitors' reaction when Odysseus still in disguise takes up the bow?

Some were afraid that Odysseus might string the bow. Antinous accuses Odysseus of being drunk and having had too much wine. Eventually Telemachus dissipates their protests by threatening to throw stones at Eumaeus if he does not bring the bow to Odysseus; this causes the suitors to laugh heartily.

Who recognized Odysseus when he returned home?

Odysseus' dog Argus, and his nursemaid Euryclea recognize Odysseus without him revealing himself to them. Odysseus reveals himself to Telemachus in Eumaeus' home. Later on before the battle with the suitors, he reveals himself to Eumaeus the swineherd, Philoetius the cow herd, and a stockman. After stringing his bow and shooting through the 12 axe handles and Antinous' throat, he reveals himself to the suitors who then recognize him. Finally, Odysseus reveals himself to Penelope, who eventually believes that it is him.

How does the swineherd Eumaeus help Odysseus?

Eumaeus acts as a father figure to Telemachus during Odysseus' absence. He stays loyal to Odysseus, and when he meets Odysseus as a beggar, allows him to stay at his house. Further he tells Odysseus about what has been going on since Odysseus left, including the suitors and his dog Argus. He helps Odysseus enter the palace as a beggar. Later on, he brings Odysseus the bow so that he can string it. At Odysseus' command, he also tells Eurycleia to lock all the doors and warn the women not to come out. Finally during the fight, he helps Odysseus fight the suitors. He captures Melanthius the goatherd supplying arms to the suitors, and strings Melanthius up. During the part where the party throws their spears, he kills Elatus in the first volley, and Polybus in the second volley. All of Odysseus' party then finish off the suitors, and it is assumed Eumaeus kills several other men who are not named. More minor acts: Later he helps kill Melanthius. Eumaeus also temporarily takes Odysseus armor before Odysseus goes to visit his father Laertes. Eumaeus also helps prepare dinner that night, before the fight with the suitor's families.

What does Athena instruct Odysseus to do now that he is in Ithaca?

When Odysseus returns to Ithaca from his voyage at sea, he is disguised as a beggar and lives with Eumaeus, the swineherd. Odysseus then must win the contest of strining a bow and shooting an arrow through axe-heads that Penelope set up. After he has done this, he must battle his wife's suitors and reclaim his spot as king.

Who did Penelope command to set the bow and iron axes for the wooers?

Eumaeus, the swineherd was commanded to set the bow and iron axes for the contest.

What did the gods do when Odysseus strung the bow?

When Odysseus has strung the bow, Zeus/Jove thunders loudly as a sign.

Who strung Odysseus' bow?

Only Odysseus could string his mighty bow. Telemachus would have strung the bow on his fourth try, but was stopped by Odysseus. The bow originally belonged to Iphitus of Lacedaemon, son of Eurytus. Eurytus was originally given the bow by Apollo.

Which statement best summarizes Odysseus actions during the bow contest?

odysseus checks the bow,strings it, and shoots it

Who did Odysseus shoot?

Odysseus shot the suitors with his bow and arrows.