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The U.S. Constitution specifies what the national government is allowed to do, and it states that any powers not granted to the national government therein are reserved to the states or the people.

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Q: What divides powers between national government and state government?
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A government that divides powers between the national government and the states?

It is a necessary and proper clause

A government that divides the powers of government between the national government and state or provincial governments?

Federal System

A system of government in which a constitution divides the powers of the government between a National Government and several regional governments?


What constitutional principles divides power between the national and state governments?

Federalism, seperation of powers, checks and balances, limited government

What divides the powers of government between the Federal Government and the states?

U.S. Constitution

The Constitution's system of separation of powers divides power?

The separation of powers divides power between the three branches of government with a system of checks and balances between them.

What type of government divides powers between a central authority and regional authorities?

A devolved government divides power between a central authority and the regional authority.

What is the difference between Confederation and unitary government?

unitary government: all powers is given to a central government (there is only one level of government).federal system government divides powers of government between national and state governments (power is split between multiple levels of government).confederacy - loose union of independent states (no central government)

What are powers that are between national state and local government?

Concurrent Powers

System of government in which a constitution divides the powers of government between a national government and several regional governments?

That is either the Federation or Confederation governmental form, vs a Unitary form where power rests in the central government alone.

What are powers that are shared between national and state government called?

Concurrent Powers

What is one reason the constitution divides powers between the federal government and states governments?

To limit the power of the federal government