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Being a minister means that when you retire you not only lose your 'job' but also your home, as a vicarage or parsonage is provided free whilst you undertake duties as a minister. In the Anglican church, all clergy are involved in a pension scheme so that when they retire a suitable pension is provided to live, in addition to the normal state pension. Furthermore, the Church of England will, if necessary, also provide them with a house at a nominal rent for the rest of their (or their spouse's) life. When Anglican priests retire, however, it is very unusual that they give up their work a priest. The Church of England makes good use of retired clergy either filling in during interregnums (periods between the leaving of one parish priest before a new one arrives) or in helping out in busy parishes, or in carrying out light duties for modest payment or just expenses. Nowadays, however, more people are coming into the church later in life, after they have already contributed to a pension scheme in a previous employment. Also, they may well have their own houses too, which they can rent out when they live in the vicarage, to help supplement the vicar stipend. Therefore when they retire they may well have a reduced pension from a previous occupation, plus a reduced clergy pension, plus the nest egg received from their house rental, so usually retirement for clergy should not present any financial hardship. Finally, in my own experience, most retired clergy continue to work until they drop - in reduced duties, filling in or helping out. The oldest I knew was a vicar near where I lived a few years ago who was 101 and still very willingly and wonderfully active in the pulpit.

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Q: What do Anglican priests and Protestant ministers do when they retire?
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