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Did you mean Atma.This is the basis of Hinduism.

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Q: What do Atman have to do with Hinduism?
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What is atman?

In Hinduism, atman is the individual soul or essence of a person, believed to be eternal and unchanging. It is the innermost self, distinct from the physical body and mind, and is considered to be part of Brahman, the ultimate reality in the universe. Understanding the atman is essential in achieving spiritual liberation or moksha.

Who is the holy god of Hinduism?

Hinduism's main god can be called Brahman, Vishnu, Shiva, Kali, Atman,....there are many names for God (capital G).that is so right and i love that answer

Does having many different gods make it difficult in Hinduism?

There are some who will argue strenuously against this, but Hinduism is, at its most basic, monotheistic. All of the different 'gods' are manifestations of Atman.

In Hinduism the essential self is called?

Hindus believe in a non-material self, which is called an Atman. This is comparable to the belief of a soul

How does Hinduism view the concept of reincarnation?

Hinduism believes in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara), where the soul (atman) reincarnates into different bodies based on karma until it achieves liberation (moksha) from this cycle

What are the key beliefs of Hinduism?

Hindus believe in the doctrines of samsara (the continuous cycle of life, death, and reincarnation) and karma (the universal law of cause and effect). One of the key thoughts of Hinduism is β€œatman,” or the belief in soul.

What religion is atman assosiated with?

Atman is the Hindu concept of "real self", or the purest essence of an individual. A person's emotions, feelings, and thoughts are not considered atman - those are Maya, or illusions. The ulimate goal of Hinduism is to break free from Maya and the cycle of reincarnation and unite with Brahman, the Absolute Reality, which is identical to atman. Thus, self-actualization through meditation and self-discipline is key in order to be one with Brahman.Clemmons, Nancy. Exploring the Religions of Our World. Notre Dame: Ave Maria, 2008. Print.

What are the origins of the human race according to Hinduism?

Hinduism believes that humans were created by the gods, with each individual possessing a divine spark or essence called the atman. The concept of reincarnation plays a crucial role in Hinduism, as it is believed that the soul goes through a cycle of birth and rebirth until it achieves spiritual liberation (moksha).

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Is brahman and atman identical?

The Brahman is the original, spirit of the world, it is effectively the creator. The Atman is basically our soul, and it is immortal. The atman is part of the Brahman, that has 'split' from the Brahman, and has been trapped inside our bodies. It is the main focus of Hinduism to release the Atman back into the Brahman, in a process known as Moksha.

What does the ATMAN look like?

No one knows, because you cannot see the Atman. The Atman is the observer which no one can observe. Therefore, it is impossible to answer your question.

What is the difference between atman and brahman?

atman - is individual self with ego, and ignorance which unable to discriminate unreal to real. Atman is true Self (capital "S") and your true essence which is eternal and never changes. They are closely linked with the universe, cosmic consciousness or Brahman. Brahman is the unchanging, infinite, immanent, and absolute reality. The Brahman within the individual is called the Atman.