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There are many historical places to go but I would like to see the pope.

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Q: What do Catholics go to see at Rome?
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Why do catholics go on pilgrimage to Rome?

They go there because it is full of history and they explore the town and there is many churches which they explore there.Roman Catholic AnswerPersonally, I should say that the primary reason to go to Rome is to see the Holy Father, who is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, and receive his blessing.

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Why do people go on pilgrimages in rome?

Rome is the location for the head of the Catholic Church, the Pope, currently Pope Benedict XVI. People come to see Rome and for Catholics visiting the various churches around the city is important. Most pilgrims will go to the Vatican and try to attend a Papal mass. Rome is full of history, and pilgrims will try to see many of the things that relate to Christian history.

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the answer is that they were catholics and that u smell like buutty

What is the name for the papal court of Roman Catholics?

The Roman Curia (sometimes anglicized as the Court of Rome) Also known as the Holy See

What is the holiest place in Rome for Catholics?

vatican city

What is the leader of catholic?

The Pope in Rome is the leader of Catholics.

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When and where did Catholics begin?

Catholics began with the apostles; the word Catholic means Universal. The catholics started in Rome I think about 100 years after the birth of Christ

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Roman Catholic AnswerNorthern Irish Catholics are not encouraged to have any specific number of children by the Church. It is not the "Church of Rome", is the Catholic Church, whose headquarters are in Rome.

To see a bullfight where would you go?

London or Rome or Madrid