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Today, most Christians around the word accept that Neanderthals and Cro-magnons are simply part of our evolutionary history, whether or not they are direct ancestors of modern humans.

A belief held by many creationists, even today, is that the Neanderthal fossils were simply normal, modern humans with various deformities. This belief is becoming increasingly difficult to sustain, as large numbers of Neanderthal fossils have now been uncovered and studied.

Young-earth creationists, the group that faces the greatest challenges out of the fossil record, also claim that the scientific dating of Neanderthal and Cro-magnon fossils is substantially in error. Many fanciful hypotheses are put forward, often in good faith, to explain away the scientific evidence of their ages.

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Q: What do Christians think of Neanderthals and Cro-magnons?
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Some Christians may deny the existence of Neanderthal man due to conflicting beliefs with the theory of human evolution. They may interpret the account of creation in the Bible differently and believe that humans were created in the image of God without any evolutionary process. This denial is based on religious interpretations rather than scientific evidence.

What did cromagnons hunt?

Large animals, like bison, horse, mammoth, etc.

What did neanderthals use to keep their houses together?

I think that they lived in caves. Hope it helped!! ^^

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Where did early math originate?

Archeologists, scientists, historians, etc. have stumbled over this question many a time before so don't thin you're the first to wonder. Some think it originated in the lands of the Neanderthals or Cromagnons but no one knows for sure. But we do know that the Neanderthals are responsible for the 60 minute hour and 60 minute second. They also are credited for inventing a twelve month calendar with four seasons, although the Egyptians also invented a twelve month calendar but it divided into only three months. But as proved Egyptian were the first......... They invented *Zero* and they only have had taken the headache of maths, and now it's ruining our life :'(

What is the the location of neanderthals?

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Did neanderthals have fun?

No not really, neanderthals were all about surival.

What were the first homo sapiens knowned as?
