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Eastern Dragons represent peace from their body parts.For example,some Eastern Dragons have horns like a deer and scales like a fish.

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Q: What do Eastern dragons symbolize?
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What are eastern dragons?

The dragons drawn in the east are Asian dragons as compared to European dragons. The Asian dragon has a snake like body and legend states they begin as koi and became dragons .They also have mustaches.

Is mushu an eastern dragon?

Yes. If you're talking about the red dragon from the Disney movie Mulan, then yes he is. Eastern dragons are your dragons with no wings. Most eastern dragons are depicted as your typical Chinese dragons. They are characterized to be more gentle, and friendly, whereas the western dragons are the opposite. These westerns are usually vengeful. The Western dragons are the ones that have the wings, and they look like a huge lizard. You know the ones you see in most fairy tales with castles, kings, queens, and stuff like that?

How are eastern dragons different to western dragons?

Im not entirely sure but looking at pictures of them online I found hat the western ones had a lighter skin tone than the eastern bearded dragons which were almost black in colour. Im not too sure on this, but I hope it helps :)

What are Dragons with wings and legs called Eastern or Western Dragons?

If your talking about the big scaly ones that breath fire and look like lizards with gargoyle wings, those are western dragons. Eastern dragons are the ones that look like snakes with the weird heads, that can't breath fire and have no wings, but can still fly. Weird....