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Mormons believe that a person must:

1. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

2. Repent of their sins

3. Be baptized into Christ's church by someone holding God's authority known as the Priesthood

4. Receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, also by someone holding the Priesthood

They also believe that after these things are done that they must "endure to the end" which means they must continue to have faith in Christ, repent of any mistakes, and live their lives like Christ as best they can for the remainder of their life.


There are several "ordinance for salvation" to obtain the "highest degree of exaltation" (i.e. the "highest heaven").

They are:

1) Baptism, by immersion by one having authority from God (i.e. "the priesthood")

2) Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost (confirmation)

3) "The endowment" - be worthy to enter a "Holy Temple" and receive further ordinances

4) Temple Marriage - Marriage in the temple not only for time, but for "all eternity." This is between a man and woman.

5) Sealing to parents and children - If a man and woman are married in the temple prior to the birth of their children they are automatically "born in the covenant" or sealed to them for eternity. Otherwise all children may be sealed at any time afterwards to a mother and father (whether living or dead). A legally adopted child may be sealed to parents, or a step child, or any children born prior to the parent's temple marriage.

Also, all the above ordinances may be done by proxy after death. This is the reason for the emphasis on Genealogy and Family history. They believe the the concept of vicarious (or proxy) work on behalf of another. The person for whom the work is done still has free agency to accept or reject any ordinance performed on their behalf.

The church has several websites and the principle one to explain and teach the "basic beliefs" is The other one, geared towards members of the church is

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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) believe that salvation comes "in and through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, the Lord Omnipotent." (Book of Mormon, Mosiah 3:17-18)

Mormons believe that salvation comes only through Jesus Christ, because of His Atonement, suffering, and death in our behalf. In order to receive salvation, one must repent of past sins, have faith in Jesus Christ, and become 'born again' - vowing to live a new life following the teachings, example and commandments of Jesus Christ, and accepting Jesus as their personal Savior. It is believed that an immersion baptism at the hands of one holding the proper priesthood authority is an essential part of this 'born again' experience. For this reason, Mormons perform baptisms by proxy for those who died without baptism. They believe that this will give those who have died the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ and salvation before they are judged.

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10y ago

Mormon women get into heaven in the same way that Mormon men get into heaven - by dying.

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that there are three levels of heaven, each with different requirements.

*The highest level of heaven, the Celestial Kingdom, is the place where God the Father and Jesus Christ live. In order to enter this kingdom, one must have faith in Jesus Christ, repent of their sins, and be baptized.
*The middle level of heaven, the Terrestrial Kingdom, is a place for those who were good people, but not valiant in the testimony of Jesus. Jesus Christ will visit those in the Terrestrial Kingdom often.
*The lowest level of heaven, the Telestial Kingdom, is for those who refused to accept Jesus Christ. It is a place of liars, whoremongers, etc.

Mormons believe that God wants all people to go to heaven, and as such has provided a way for all people to accept Jesus Christ and be baptized so that they might enter the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven. They believe that if a person did not accept Jesus Christ in their mortal lifetime, they will have the opportunity to do so after death. For this reason, Mormons perform baptisms in behalf of those who have died, believing this gives them the opportunity to accept Christ and enter the Celestial Kingdom of heaven.

Mormons believe that Hell (also called "Outer Darkness" or "Perdition") is reserved only for those who knowingly and willfully denied God and rebelled against Him.

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12y ago

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that salvation comes only through the grace and power of Jesus Christ. Mormons believe that one must profess faith in Jesus Christ and show that faith by forsaking their sins, being baptized, and following His commandments in order to receive salvation.

Since Mormons believe that baptism is essential for salvation, they perform baptisms by proxy for those who died without baptism. They believe that this gives that individual the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ and receive salvation in the afterlife.

Check out the "Related Links" below to see a very detailed answer to this question or to learn more about the Mormon church.

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11y ago

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that there are three levels of heaven, each with different requirements.

*The highest level of heaven, the Celestial Kingdom, is the place where God the Father and Jesus Christ live. In order to enter this kingdom, one must have faith in Jesus Christ, repent of their sins, and be baptized.

*The middle level of heaven, the Terrestrial Kingdom, is a place for those who were good people, but not valiant in the testimony of Jesus. Jesus Christ will visit those in the Terrestiral Kingdom often.

*The lowest level of heaven, the Telestial Kingdom, is for those who refused to accept Jesus Christ. It is a place of liars, whoremongers, etc.

Mormons believe that God wants all people to go to heaven, and as such has provided a way for all people to accept Jesus Christ and be baptized so that they might enter the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven. They believe that if a person did not accept Jesus Christ in their mortal lifetime, they will have the opportunity to do so after death. For this reason, Mormons perform baptisms in behalf of those who have died, believing this gives them the opportunity to accept Christ and enter the Celestial Kingdom of heaven.

Mormons believe that Hell (also called "Outer Darkness" or "Perdition") is reserved only for those who knowingly and willfully denied God and rebelled against Him.

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8y ago

The Book of Mormon echoes The Bible in saying that salvation (ie, eternal life in heaven) comes only in and through Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12; Mosiah 3:17). Mormons believe that four things are required in the formula for salvation:

First, faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior. Faith that His grace is sufficient for your salvation. (Ephesians 2:8; 2 Nephi 10:24)

Second, repentance of your sins. Since no unclean thing can enter into the kingdom of heaven, we must repent of (confess and forsake) our sins (Luke 13:5; 3 Nephi 11:38) and trust that Jesus has the power to forgive and cleanse us. (1 John 1:9; Alma 5:21)

Third, be baptized as a witness of your dedication to Christ. (Mark 16:16; Ether 4:18)

Fourth, endure to the end in obedience and faith, following the example of Christ. (Matt 24:13; 2 Nephi 31:16)

Although faith and repentance are prerequisites to baptism, these are not to be viewed as steps but more like a formula or recipe in which each ingredient, once obtained, cannot be taken out. Salvation is not a one-time event; faith, obedience, and repentance must continue throughout one's life to bring them ever closer to God.

Mormons believe that all who have lived or will live on the earth will have the opportunity to accept or reject salvation through Jesus Christ. Because of this, they perform baptisms in behalf of the deceased, which they believe gives those who have died the ability to choose salvation.

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No, absolutely not. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that "salvation is free" (Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 2:4). Salvation cannot be purchased for yourself or for a loved one. Salvation is a free gift of God bestowed on those who have faith in Jesus Christ. Mormons do believe that they can be baptized in honor of their deceased ancestors. They believe that by doing this, their ancestor is given the opportunity to accept or reject Jesus Christ and salvation in the afterlife. Check out the "Related Links" below to learn more about this practice of baptism for the deceased.

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Many things that people say against Mormons simply come from someone who is uninformed or has a different opinion. This does not mean that it is bad, but it is often offensive. Those who are uninformed or misinformed often say: -Mormons are polygamist (this practice was banned by the church over 120 years ago in 1890) -Mormons dont believe in the Bible (Mormons consider the King James Version of the Bible as sacred scripture and are encouraged to study it daily) -Mormons don't believe in Jesus (Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is their Savior, just like all Christians) -Mormons are cultish (Mormons live and dress and act just like most anyone else in society. They do not live on compunds, etc.) -Mormons worship Joseph Smith (Mormons believe Joseph Smith was a prophet, just like Moses or Abraham, not a god to be worshipped) -Mormons kidnap, brainwash, coerce, etc (Mormons wish everyone to make their own decisions, and define their standards by Scripture) Those who have different opinions and say things that are offensive to Mormons often say: -Mormons are not Christian (Mormons are not traditional Protestant Christians, but they do still believe in the Bible and salvation through Jesus Christ.) -Mormons are lying (Mormons honestly believe they are telling the truth) -Mormonism is a pyramid scheme (Mormons believe in paying a Tithe and in missions work to gain converts, but believe this is Biblically based and do not seek converts for monetary gain) -Mormons are unbiblical (Mormons believe that they are following the Bible very strictly, but the Bible can be interpreted differently by different people) -Mormonism is false (this is obviously just an opinion, but one that is often offensive to those who honestly believe)

What are Mormons links to christianity?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) are Christian. They worship Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and believe that salvation comes through Jesus alone. They also use the KJV Bible as Scripture and believe that it is the word of God. You can learn more about what Mormons believe and what makes them Christians at the "Related Links" below.

Do Mormons believe in conflict?

No. They believe in peace.

How do Mormons believe jesus was concieved?

You will have to ask the Mormons in their category on this site.

What do Mormons believe about eternity?

Mormons believe that they will die and go to one of the three heavens:Celestial (being where God is), Telestial, and Terrestial.

A sentence with the word salvation in it?

Some people believe that salvation is guaranteed to those who believe in Christ.

Do Assemblies of God believe you can lose your salvation?

Yes they do; the Southern Baptists do not believe you can loose your salvation.

Do Mormons believe that John chapter 3 verse 16 is sufficient for salvation?

Mormons believe that God loved the world and gave His only Son, Jesus Christ to atone for the sins of the world. It is through that blood that men are saved. No amount of works done could be sufficient to save a man were it not for the atonement of Christ, as is told by Christ when denouncing those who thought the Law of Moses to be sufficient. However, Mormons do not believe in "once saved always saved" or the idea that believing in Christ will save them for all eternity. Mormons believe that it is by grace men are saved, after all they can do. True faith in Christ includes following his commandments and enduring till the end. Those who love Christ are saved by His atoning blood, and as stated by Christ "If ye love me, keep my commandments." There is quite a difference between "salvation" and "exaltation".

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I don't know who Brooke White is but Mormons believe they can become gods, IF they do certain ceremonies in the temple and keep the vows they make there. Not all Mormons believe they will become gods, because not all Mormons go to the temple and do the ceremonies they believe are required. They do not believe they will become gods but they do believe they will be able to become more like Jesus and god.

What you Mormons beleave?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) has far too many doctrines and beliefs to be included in one answer. I will list some of the absolute basics, and you can visit their official website ( or click the link under "related links" below) if you want more information. -Mormons believe that God is the loving Father of our spirits, and that each individual is a beloved child of God. -Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of mankind. Because He came to earth to atone for our sins, all people can recieve salvation (return to live with God after death). -Mormons believe that the purpose of life is to become more like God by loving others and gaining knowledge. -Mormons believe God continues to reveal His will for the world through prophets, and that each individual may receive personal revelation and guidance from God to dictate their own lives. -Mormons believe that the Bible and Book of Mormon contain the word of God, and the words and revelations to modern church leaders are also studied. -Mormons believe that because God loves all people, all will have an opportunity to accept salvation through Jesus Christ. Those who do not receive this opportunity during their mortal lives will have an opportunity to do so after death.