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Muslims believe dat u shud pray 5 times a day dis is coz da Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used 2 pray 5 times a day!

also Muslims wer tld by Allah(god) in da quran dat u shud pray daily 5 tyms a daii!!!!!!

Muslims believe dat u shud pray 5 times a day dis is coz da Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used 2 pray 5 times a day!

also Muslims wer tld by Allah(god) in da quran dat u shud pray daily 5 tyms a daii!!!!!!

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Q: What do Muslim's believe about prayer?
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Yes. The Muslims believe in all the prophets. The Muslims had been offering their prayer for some years facing Jerusalem.

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Becuase Muslims come together and pray a more special prayer than the est of the week. It's an important prayer and we Muslims believe we get more benefit of it. Tht is why it's so important.

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Muslims pray five times aday, Dawn prayer "Alfajr" Noon prayer "Azzuhr" Afternoon prayer "Alasr" Evening prayer "Almaghrib" Night prayer "Aleshaa"

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Muslims pray to Allaah as commanded to them in the Qur'an. Muslims believe in the oneness of Allaah and His religion which is supreme and the final order of Allaah. Muslims pray to Allaah five times namely, the prayer of Fajr, Zohar, 'Asr, Maghrib and 'Ishaail aakherat.

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Can non-Muslims pray with Muslims on Jumaa?

No. This is a special prayer in which only Muslims can take part.