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Well, they can mean a lot of things. For instance, my name is Stephanie. There is an accent mark over the first e making it say "A". Instead of being just pronounced "Stephanie" my name is pronounced "STAY-phone-e". Get it?

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

They give the vowel a different sound than it would usually have. it's like having extra letters in the alaphabet...cos 26 ain't good enough!

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Q: What do accents mean on German letters?
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Do accents on letters mean the same thing in all languages that use the roman alphabet?

No, accents on letters can have different meanings in different languages that use the Roman alphabet. For example, in French, accents can indicate pronunciation or distinguish between similar words, while in Spanish, they can indicate stress or change the pronunciation of the letter.

How do you write are in German?

S-I-N-D. It has no accents and stuff

What do the letters METALL mean on jewelry?

I believe it means metal in German

Are qmount of letters same in french and English?

Yes, but in French there are accents.

What does ortografia mean?

"Ortografia" is the Spanish word for "spelling." It refers to the correct way of writing words, including the rules for accents, punctuation, and proper use of letters.

What does deutsche mean?

I would guess they refer to the German central snailmail place where they keep all the letters and packages. Like a mail-bank if you knbow what I mean :)

How do you spell German in German?

In is spelled 'in' in German the same as English.

Do German and British accents sound the same?

not really, since a Brit can certainly recognize a German accent of a German speaking English. However, to an American, some words spoken by a German may very well sound British. This is because many Germans learn English from teachers who are from England (or they practice while traveling to England).

Can you please describe the French accents from northeastern France?

French accents from northeastern France, particularly in regions like Alsace and Lorraine, are influenced by the proximity to German-speaking countries. They may feature sounds resembling the German 'ch' or 'pf', and the rhythm and intonation may have a slightly more Germanic feel compared to standard French. Overall, these accents have a unique blend of French and German sounds that set them apart from accents in other regions of France.

How do you put accents on letters using an iPad?

To use accented letters on the iPad, simply hold down a key on the on-screen keyboard until a row of other similar letters shows up. For example, tapping and holding down the 'A' key would reveal multiple other variants of that letter with various accents.

How many Letters of the German alphabet?

The German alphabet consists of 26 letters, just like the English alphabet. It also includes the letters À, â, ü, and ß.

What does the phrase motivationsschreiben mean in English?

The phrase "motivationsschreiben" is a German word which translates into "letter of motivation". The phrase "motivationsschreiben" is used a lot in German business letters.