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They look like bunch of grapes, only on a microscopic level.

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Kind of sponge-like.

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Q: What do alveoli look like?
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What does an alveoli look like?

it looks like a bunch of grapes ,only on a microscopic level.

How do air sacs of emphysema look like?

In healthy individuals, alveoli are hollow plump air sacs where gas exchange occurs. They look like an upside down grapes on a stem. In emphysema, the alveoli become flattened or collapse.

What is dependent atelectasis?

This condition is characterized by the collapse of the alveoli. Alveoli look like tiny balloons and they exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. General anesthesia and lung disease can lead to their collapse.

What is composed of alveoli arranged in grape like cluster?

The alveoli (singular, alveolus) are the functional units of the lungs of mammals.

The tiny air sac in the lung?

These are called alveoli. The singular term is alveolus.

What do lungs look like and why?

lungs look like spongy lobes. They have this qualiity for easy gas transfusions and buoyancy. Your lungs are mostly made up of tiny air sacs called alveoli. This gives the lungs a spongy, or porous look to them.

Structure in the lung through which oxygen moves from the air into the blood?

a artery actually move the blood to your lung but th perodic vane helps like a police officer to stop and move the blood

Where in the lung does exchange of O2 and CO2 take place?

It takes place between the alveoli and the blood capillaries

Is it false that emphysema destroys the tiny air sacs in the lungs?

Alveoli are the tiny air sacs that look like hollow plump grapes in healthy people. In emphysema, many of the alveoli collapse so there is less surface area for gas exchange.

What compose of alveoli arranged in grape-like clusters?

The alveoli (singular, alveolus) are the functional units of the lungs of mammals.

What compose of alveoli arranged in grape like clusters?

The alveoli (singular, alveolus) are the functional units of the lungs of mammals.

What connects the respiratory and circulatory system?
