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Q: What do audicences of Lucilio de albuquerques pygmalion and galatea need to have in order to better understand the deeper meaning of the painting?
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What do audiences of lucilio de albuquerques pygmalion and galatea need to have in order to better understand the deeper meaning of the painting?

. Knowledge of the original myth of Pygmalion APEX

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The Painting shows an Inversion of the Original Story. Pygmalion turnes into a statue while Galatea becomes a living woman.

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The painting is called "Pygmalion and Galatea" painted by JL Gerome.

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an oil painting if i understand the question correctly...

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William Hogarth's painting might be difficult for modern audiences to understand because the paintings attacked contemporary taste which modern audiences hold today.

Degas's painting ballet dancers on stage?

i dont really understand what you're asking but the most popular painting by degas of a ballerina on stage would probably be "L'etoile"

What is the percentage of the Mona Lisa painting that he wa commisiond to paint it?

Your question is too muddled to understand. Therefore we can not answer it.

What is the painting of arturo luz?

I do not understand what you are trying to ask here. Please elaborate and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.

Which van Gogh's letter helps us understand his painting?

He wrote a large number of letters, mainly to his brother Theo. Together these letters can help us, but do not expect to understand from just one letter.

Why modern art difficult to understand?

well, some artists do abstract painting, which means that its not real. artists just express their feelings, and sometimes, maybe they feel confused. they just do what they feel and maybe its hard to understand

Who fell in love with the statue he carved so the gods brought it to life?

Pygmalion fell in love with a statue he created (which was later named Galatea). Aphrodite (Venus) answered his prayers that the statue become a real woman. This has been captured perhaps most famously by Jean-Léon Gérôme's oil painting 'Pygmalion and Galatea'. Sources:

Why is the Mona Lisa the most famous painting?

Having been to the Louvre where the painting is housed, I was surprised on how small it is and can still not understand why it is so famous, its an oK picture but not marvelous. If it had been painted by a Mr Smith instead, it would not have been noticed