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Q: What do baby garden snakes like to be at?
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Do small garden snakes eat baby mice?

There is NO SUCH SPECIES as a garden snake ! IF you meant a 'Garter snake' - then no - there are NO vegetarian snakes- ALL snakes are carnivores !

What do wild garden snakes eat?

garden snakes like to eat the items in all gardens. and sometimes the insects that live in the garden plants. they arent like other snakes, most other snakes eat other animals and etc.

What do garden snakes like to eat?

Garden snakes eat many types of rats and mice.

What do baby snakes look like?

What do baby snakes look like? Just like adult snakes only smaller/

Do baby snakes move in s pattern when first born or like an earthworm?

Baby snakes move in an "S" pattern just like adults.

Do garden snakes have sharp teeth?

Garden Snakes are not really venomous and do not have very sharp fangs like other snakes do.So I would say maybe to not go looking for one because they might strike.

Do you feed garden snakes corn?

NO ! There are no vegetarian snakes ! Additionally, there is NO such species as a 'Garden' snake !

What eats vine snakes?

the brown tree snake gets eaten by big animals and mamals

Do garden snakes aother eat garden snakes?

I do not think Garter snakes eat other snakes. They are carnivors, but I dont think they eat their own kind.

What snakes are good for children green snakes?

pythons are not good for children because they can wrap you around just like andacondas andacondas are big or huge snakes that can squeeze you to death and kill you but garden snakes are harmless snakes.

What are freshwater snakes?

Cotton Mouth snake and Garden snakes

What kind of Snakes live in Sweden?

Grass snakes and rattle snakes and garden snake