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Q: What do bearded dragons eat other then crickets?
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Can bearded dragons eat mealworms when they are beatles?

NO! Beatles can cause obstructions and even death

What type of insects do bearded dragons eat?

crickets, superworms, mealworms, and waxmoth larvae

What kind of meat do baby bearded dragons eat?

Small mealworms and small crickets.

Can bearded dragons eat alfalfa hay?

Yes, but most baby Bearded Dragons will not. They normally do not eat vegetation, but adults will. Adult will eat alfalfa hay, powdered milk cat or dog food, salad, crickets, flightless fruit flies, meal worms, and other bugs.

Can you buy tablets at a pet store to replace the crickets for your bearded dragon?

Sorry - the answer is no ! Bearded Dragons eat LIVE food (and occasionally a little vegetable matter) They are hunters - and will chase after crickets to catch them.

Can bearded dragons eat carrots?

Bearded Dragons can eat locust, crickets, waxworms, pinkies, mealworms, and they also eat salad but you cant feed them iceberg letuce and spinach. And they eat carrots but you have to grind them or peel them. And it does not matter if it is a treat or not.

How many crickets can a bearded dragons eat in one day?

about 20 is optional but you can feed them how ever much u want

What color sand do bearded dragons prefer?

NO SAND!!!! I have one ATM. His name is DotA. Get him a carpet, and Bearded Dragons are Desert Reptiles, So red sand? Duh. Or orange/ normal sand. But you need to take note of. When they eat, bearded dragons also use the bathroom in the sand, and when they eat, they catch crickets, and then the crickets can get attached to the feces that is on the sand or left over from what you picked up and they can ingest it and that can cause serious health problems...

Do lizard lizards eat crikets?

It depends on the lizard. Most will but not all. Most geckos and bearded dragons will eat crickets. You need to be more specific on the lizard

What bugs can bearded dragons eat?

pretty much any bug AVOID cockroaches butterflies ladybugs spiders flies worms mealworms they can eat crickets, super worms, dubia roaches, ect.....

Can bearded dragons eat feeder goldfish?

Goldfish on a normal basis are commonly infected with parasites. Although edible, they contain little to no nutritional value and are not a good feeder for bearded dragons or turtles. Insects commonly consumed by bearded dragons are crickets, superworms, roaches, silkworms, hornworms, and (locusts (typically in the UK))