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soil, water, and food getting contaminated by pesticides

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Q: What do biodegradable pesticides prevent?
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Non biodegradable pesticides?


What are biodegradable pesticides?

the pesticides which are prepared biologically for are called biopesticides

What problems can be caused by non-biodegradable pesticides?

Non biodegradable pesticides don't rot, so they stay in the soil forever (well not forever, but a long time) This wouldn't be a problem if you were a traditional farm, but organic farm ban the use of pesticides. This means that they would not be able to use this land to grow their healthier crops. This also means that the animals of any farmer - traditional or organic - may be able to contract diseases due to eating the harmful chemicals in pesticides in their feed - potentially grass, or other herbivorous food items...

What are solutions to biological magnification pesticides?

There are several solutions to addressing biological magnification of pesticides. One approach is to encourage organic farming practices, which avoid the use of synthetic pesticides altogether. Additionally, implementing integrated pest management strategies can help reduce reliance on chemical pesticides by utilizing alternative methods such as crop rotation, natural predators, and mechanical pest control. Finally, strict regulation and monitoring of pesticide use can help prevent excessive accumulation of toxic compounds in the environment.

What pesticides are used to kill insect pests?

Pesticides are used to prevent, kill and repel pests. The pesticides used to kill insects are attractants, fumigants, insecticides, pheromones and repellents.

How do pesticides affect blue banded bees?

Pesticides are detrimental to any type of insects as they are, quite frankly, poison. Pesticides kill some insects, or interfere with the reproductive cycle, or prevent them from feeding safely.

How can you prevent ADHD?

Eat organic fruits and vegetables, or foods without pesticides:) they say that there are materials inside the pesticides that may cause ADD or ADHD:) i hope this helps:)

Is DDT a non biodegradable pollutant?

It is a colorless contact insecticide, C14H9Cl5, toxic to humans and animals when swallowed or absorbed through the skin. It contains pesticides. Substances that are not brocken down by biological processes are called non-biodegradable subtances. or Non-biodegradable substance are those which do not decay over a period of time when buried in the soil. ex:metal, plastic, DDT, etc.

Are FLOWERS biodegradable or non biodegradable?


How can you prevent pollution in yamuna?

· Switch to organic or biological farming methods · Curtail the use of pesticides and fertilizers. · Persuade polluting farmers to use pesticides in such a manner that it does not enter surface water

Is abs biodegradable or non -biodegradable?

Abs is not biodegradable.

Is tissue biodegradable or non biodegradable?

tissue is biodegradable