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They don't really "taste" like anything really. It's more knowing what they are and that they are there, that makes them "taste" funny. You don't notice them much after you get used to them, and they just get in the way.

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Q: What do braces taste like?
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Why does metal taste funny when it touches your braces?

Its kind of like how a battery works. The salt from the saliva in your mouth conducts electrons from the metal of your braces to pass through the other metal to your tongue.

What do fake braces look like?

Fake braces are tiny beeds that look like braces. They are waxed on teeth and put in a paperclip.

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i luv girls wid braces!

Does jadon smith like his braces?

His braces are black! I am not lying people!

Do molds for braces hurt?

no, but they taste horrible. They harden fast, and its really neat to see how your teeth look

What are wire braces?

It has the same function as braces, but is only a wire. Like a retainer.

How do you make out with braces?

you would do the same thing just like you didnt have braces on.

Why do you get braces?

Braces are for teeth that are crooked and at some orthodontics you can personalize them. Ask me any questions about braces if you would like!!!! Visit

Does Cole Sprouse like Sikh girls with glasses and braces?

Yes,he does like girls with braces but I don't think he like glasses or Sikh.

What are retaners needed for?

retaners are like braces but they are normally used for children instead of braces

What can you put on braces when they are pointy?

Well u put on something soft on that u cant taste well.... i think

How do braces cost and do they hurt?

Braces 101Braces Don't Hurt, The Glue Just Taste Horrible, Afterwards It Might Hurt A Bit Afterwards But Otherwise NO! Eat Soft Food, Like Ice-Cream, Crumpets, Soft White/Brown Bread ect, ect... Don't Poke The Braces, Or It Might Come Off, That's What You Don't Want!!! ASk Questions For More Answers!!