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Most wild and domesticated cats nap or sleep during the day. They do this to conserve energy in hot climates. Housecats continue this behavior from their wild cat ancestors. When awake, they eat, drink, use the litter box, and play. But whether big or small, wild or domesticated, cats are most active at night.

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I'm guessing that it slinks around, looking for prey and other cat-ish things.

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Possibly to go to the bathroom, or to hunt.

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Q: What do cats get up to during day and night?
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During the day, Earth is exposed to the heat from the Sun and it heats up. At night it is in the shadow and it loses heat.

Why do cats wake up to play at night?

Cats usually sleep most of the day and are awake at night time. They are now using all that energy they stored up all day while sleeping. An average cat sleeps about 18 hours a day, the other hours are spent going wild and having fun.

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During the day. If you exercise at night your body gets too hyped up to sleep properly.

Why do you Sleep during day up during night?

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